In the latest episode of the George’s Corner video from in-development American Civil War shooter War of Rights, Campfire Games Historical Advisor George Crecy spectates and commentates on a few battles taking place during the 156th Antietam and Harpers Ferry community event. The video focuses on Schoolhouse Ridge, one of the newly added sections of the large-scale Harpers Ferry map, and it showcases “one of the fictitious ideas of what might have happened at Harpers Ferry had General Jackson . . . decided to charge against the well-prepared positions up at the top of the Bolivar Heights.”
The video highlights a variety of battles, from an open-field encounter between Union and Confederate forces to a close-quarters “urban” skirmish amidst the streets of a small town. The video is interspersed throughout with historical commentary from Crecy, who also highlights some of the features that have been added to the game, including dead-body physics and blood splatter (though they’re not all so grisly in nature). The full video clocks in at about 25 minutes long, and if you’re interested in seeing how a full, large-scale War of Rights battle plays out in practice, it’s definitely worth a watch. Check it out just below.