So I spent a bunch of time over last weekend playing City of Heroes again. The game died seven years ago, but like any proper superhero it came back to life in a frenzy of events that were really just… bizarre. Seriously, the whole Homecoming saga has been so weird that it’s almost impossible to believe, and the weirdness of it is not solely limited to the fact that City of Heroes seems to have come back from the dead.
Have you tried it yet?
I can actually understand not giving it a shot, of course. You might have played the game before and not want to play without your old character, or you might not trust its long-term prospects of survival. Or maybe you’re just waiting for more information or a more stable environment. But it’s there, and it’s weird, and it has gotten a second lease on life even if it’s only temporary. So… after two months of its weird resurrection, have you tried City of Heroes?