Queues bother me. I’d like to say they don’t, but they really do. I don’t take them as a personal affront or anything, though; I recognized that when I really wanted to play Star Wars: The Old Republic or Final Fantasy XIV or whatever, the queue was a sign that I wasn’t alone and thus I’d just need to wait. Even now, the (very minor) queue I hit every day when logging into the latter is an irritation, but it’s one that doesn’t make me want to walk away from the game.
This is not universal. Some people are very much of the mind that if the queue is preventing you from playing the game, it’s better to just leave the game altogether. And while this is not a viewpoint I share, it is one that’s at least understandable; I wouldn’t keep going to a restaurant that may or may not serve me within an hour on any given night, for example. So what about you? Have queues ever turned you off from an MMO? Or does the idea alone seem silly to you?