I’ve tried many a time, and I no doubt will try many more, but I never really enjoy pure casters in MMOs. I love hybrid casters, I have a whole laundry list of esoteric mage classes I enjoy playing, but when it comes to the pure and unalloyed “cast a fireball at things, then cast further fireballs until those things are dead” style of play, I always lose interest and want to play something else. It’s just not that interesting to me.
No, this is not changed substantially by the caster having a pet.
In this I am not alone, either in concept or execution. There are other people who just aren’t into casters, or people who don’t like melee, or tanks, or healers, or ranged classes, or classes that have two words in their names. (I’m not sure where the last one comes from, but it takes all sorts.) So what classes do you always fail at playing in an MMO? What have you tried to play in multiple games across multiple styles and always found that it doesn’t quite click?