The Daily Grind: Do you ever use MMOs to do things you can’t do in real life?


My allergies have been so dreadful this spring and summer that I’ve really struggled – going outside literally means risking serious rashes as pollen tries to kill me, so I haven’t really gotten to enjoy the outdoors much. Enter Lord of the Rings Online, which I already loved but has become even more a key place of solace for me because there, I can go outside without having to think about covering every scrap of skin and sweltering. Its pastoral landscapes and forests and beaches helped me feel a lot less as if I’ve been missing out on the outdoors.

I’m sure I’m not alone here; MMOs allow people to do all kinds of things their real-life situations may not allow. We can be military captains, supermodels, skilled tradesmen, spaceship pilots, and horse girls – sometimes all at once!

Do you ever use MMOs to do things you can’t do in real life?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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