Skyforge devs promise that ‘development of Skyforge continues’ in spite of long silence


It’s been a disturbing long time since we heard much out of Skyforge – it’s been two months since a Discord update and a year since a peep on Twitter. MY.GAMES is apparently aware of the growing worry it’s generating.

“We understand your concern due to the long silence from our side, and we thank you for your patience!” the team wrote on Discord this morning. “We would like to inform you that the development of Skyforge continues, and a new patch featuring the next Invasion will be ready soon. Maintenance times will be announced in the near future.”

There are gifts on the way too – and the gift is more content?

“As a token of our gratitude for staying with us, all players will receive free in-game content. We will announce the contents and date shortly after the next Invasion is launched – right now, we’re focused on finishing and deploying the patch.”

We’re certainly wondering whether this kind of statement helps more than hurts.

Source: Discord
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