Trove brings back its lucky St Qubeslick event for St Patrick’s Day shenanigans


St Patrick’s day this year happens to fall on a joykill Sunday, but if you were planning to celebrate in video games rather than in a pub, then Gamigo’s blocky sandbox Trove might pose a suitable destination. That’s because the team has brought back the St Qubeslick event for the occasion.

“Taking place from now until March 26 at 11AM UTC, Trovians can try their luck and prove their daring and courageous ways in the dungeons of Neon City, Luminopolis, Desert Frontier, and Jurassic Jungle, where Luckbeasts and Fluxbeasts are running wild,” Gamigo says.

“Want to up the ante and fend off more block-based beasties? All over the in-game world, mysterious and unexplainable O’Lucky Stones have begun appearing and are waiting for Trove players to bait them. Players who do so will find themselves faced with more enemies to take on, including the sssssavage Lucksnakes which can be captured and traded with Sir O’Lucky for Fragments of Luck, which can, in turn, be traded for hefty rewards. But that’s not all that Lady Luck (okay, technically, the Trove development team) has bestowed upon players. Also available to unlock are two new allies to accompany them on their adventures, two new mounts, and three new Bomber Royale Bomb skins, so players can ride around in style and cause beautiful, colorful mayhem as they do so.”

They even did a video.

Do note that Xbox’s release of the event is a bit delayed:

Source: Press release

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