
A German company that publishes several dozen smaller MMOs across the world.

Kickstarted sandbox MMORPG Fractured Online is finally, officially out of early access

Fractured Online has been through a whole lot over the last few years, from its Kickstarter campaign to its Gamigo-backed early access, then to...

Perfect Ten: 10 times MMOs appeared in TV and movies

It's always surreal when real MMOs cross the divide between niche and mainstream to be referenced in television and films. Depending on how you...

X-LEGEND is bringing a classic yet ‘fully upgraded’ version of Grand Fantasia to Steam

It's been a little bit since Grand Fantasia crossed our collective minds, so that means we need to review for a moment: The anime...

‘Adaption shooter’ Ascendant is plotting an August open beta – with transmedia ambitions

What the heck is an "adaption shooter"? That was my first and really only question upon first hearing about Ascendant (fka Ascendant Infinity), PlayFusion's...

Fiesta Online brings a new wintry region and frosty new foes in its Reflection of Memories update

It would appear that some MMOs are ready to put summer into the trash can and move on to colder climes. The latest on...

Gamigo is closing down RIFT EU server Bloodiron, the last PvP bastion in the game

Pour one out for one of the few remaining RIFT servers: Bloodiron is closing down. Gamigo made the announcement this morning, characterizing it as...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about floating combat text in MMOs?

When Trove launched its Rising Tide update back in June, Gamigo's PR included a ton of screenshots, including several of a character with massive...

RIFT brings Unicornalia around once more

What RIFT may lack right now in terms of regular content update cadence, it hopefully makes up in unicorns. That's the hope of the...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with weirdly defensive fanbases

I do not have nice things to say about RuneScape. I have never had nice things to say about RuneScape. I also do not...

The Stream Team: A very voxel Trove birthday

Today, Trove turned nine years old! And if that wasn't reason enough for the voxel game to vie for Massively OP's MJ attention, the...

Sandbox MMORPG Trove begins Sunfest celebrations for its ninth birthday

It's official: Trion/Gamigo's voxel sandbox MMORPG Trove is turning nine years old today and is celebrating with its annual Sunfest events. "It's time to have...

The MOP Up: Elsword welcomes Lithia to its combat roster

Elsword's roster recently expanded to include the sparkplug character of Lithia: "A real 'gem' of a character and a glittering addition to the stylish...

RIFT brings Summerfest around through July 24

Hokay, RIFT, we need to talk about something with your announcement of Summerfest's return. You start that announcement by stating that it's been a...

Perfect Ten: 10 more MMOs you’ve already forgotten ever existed, from Elyon to Defiance

Last year, I assembled a list of 10 former MMOs that not only have ceased to exist but have ceased to be remembered (for...

Trove celebrates ninth birthday, plans Sunfest, and offers console roadmap

Next week, Trion's original voxelbox Trove turns nine years old, and though Trion is long gone, current handler Gamigo and its severely underpaid community...

Gamigo offloads Desert Operations and Wargame 1942 publishing to Fawkes with only two weeks’ notice on migrations

Remember back at the end of 2020, when Gamigo began rather obviously to divest itself of most of its publishing agreements and video games,...

Kickstarted MMO Fractured Online to fully launch on July 24th

While an official launch date is cause for celebration under normal circumstances, it seems doubly so for the rough road that MMO sandbox Fractured...
And now we're good,yes?

XLGAMES’ messy masterpiece ArcheAge has officially sunsetted

Back in April, we got the sad but not entirely unexpected news that XLGAMES had decided to sunset the remains of ArcheAge, including the...

Trove warns players to ditch exploited items before they ‘lead to irreversible damage’

While PC players are surfing the waves of Trove's new Rising Tide update and its underwater biome, there's something disturbing happening just below the...

Trove adds a new underwater biome in today’s Rising Tides PC update

Does a rising tide lift all boats? You'll have to log into voxelbox MMO Trove today to find out, as Gamigo has launched its...