Pax Dei announces a week-long NDA-free second alpha test starting April 23


Pax Dei has been teasing the features of its wilderness over the past few weeks, but soon a lucky number of fans will get to see this wilderness for itself when the sandbox’s second alpha test begins on Tuesday, April 23rd.

This new test is scheduled to last for a week and seeks to draw in at least 100,000 players from day one including those who took part in the last alpha. The test will feature the exploration of the wilderness outside of a character’s home valley, though players are advised to group up in order to stand a chance against the powerful threats awaiting within. The test build will also feature revamped gear and consumables, more spells and weapon types, a PvP fight club, and more crafting gameplay. Best of all, this test will not be under an NDA.

This lineup of features is explained by Mainframe Industries as the reason for the late start for the MMORPG’s second alpha. “Some of the critical features we wanted to test during the second Alpha ended up being more challenging to implement than expected, thus requiring additional attention before we can share them with a broader audience,” the announcement confirms. “Meanwhile, other team members have been working on new features and content not initially planned for Alpha 2, prompting us to expand the scope.”

Those who are looking to add their names to the hat have until April 15th to do so. Instructions for everyone interested in this next test are outlined in the post.

source: official site. Cheers, Squid!
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