Ultima Online sets its first New Legacy open beta for this weekend


On the MassivelyOP podcast this week, Justin and I were speculating on when the Ultima Online New Legacy beta is happening – surely it had to be soon, right, if Broadsword was gunning for a late September launch? And indeed, it’ll be even sooner than Sunday Bree thought, as the studio has now announced that the open beta is this very weekend.

“We want to give everyone an opportunity to join in on this journey together!” the team writes. “We are pleased to announce the first New Legacy open beta period will begin on Friday, July 26th 2024 and conclude on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Beta testing weekends (Friday-Sunday) will then continue until launch day. These sessions will allow us the opportunity to provide targeted testing, systems validation, and feedback across New Legacy. With each open beta weekend we will provide instructions and additional information so we make the most out of these experiences.”

Note, Broadsword does not say whether everyone who signed up is getting in or when access emails might be rolling out, but we’re assuming that, too, will be soon.

New Legacy, of course, is an alternate ruleset server that Broadsword has been working on for four years; it’s specifically meant to make the 27-year-old MMO sandbox more palatable for new players.

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