VR MMO Ilysia releases its own energy drink flavor, sure why not


Now that the VR MMO Ilysia has performed a full overhaul of its core systems, what’s the next thing to do? Why, release an energy drink flavor, of course. What else could players possibly be looking out for? Surely it’s a raspberry-flavored beverage powder crafted by a shark mage!

The flavor is called Mana Surge and comes from energy drink manufacturer Glytch Energy, which is a drink brand that once more aims at gamers with its product line, and Ilysia has rather excitedly hitched itself to that wagon.

“We are excited to have teamed up with Ilysia, the first true MMORPG on VR, to create a new flavor that will have you grabbing your sword and shield and setting off on the adventure of a life time. Introducing Mana Surge, a mouth watering sour Blue Raspberry flavor, the perfect power up for any quest!”

As for, well, content updates, there hasn’t been anything new beyond a hotfix for the aforementioned systems update. But hey, now you can sip some Ilysia.

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