Former Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime’s Dreamhaven will reveal two more titles in the coming months


When you’ve been the Big Cheese at a studio like Blizzard, you’re going to get some serious attention to whatever follow-up project you pursue. And such is the case for former Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime and his fellow execs, who are cruising the interview circuit talking up next month’s early access that their company Dreamhaven is publishing, Lynked: Banner of the Spark.

Talking to Games Industry, Dreamhaven’s Paul Della Bitta said that the company is literally investing in independent games as the path forward: “We just think a lot of the innovation that we see – either new IP or new gameplay or new genres – are being created with independent developers. And we think that’s really important for our industry and for gamers just to have these new experiences.”

Morhaime talked up Dreamhaven’s trajectory, saying, “We don’t want to chase [fads], we don’t want to just offer a reskinned take on something that’s out there.”

Lynked is being developed by FuzzyBot Games in a partnership with Dreamhaven. Meanwhile, Dreamhaven’s two subsidiary studios are expected to announce their first titles in the coming months. “We would have loved to release our games earlier, had they been ready,” Morhaime said. “The course of development is what it is and this is how long it took.”

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