Yes, folks, this is truly the time of excess for those of us in the USA, when we all gorge ourselves on about four hundred million calories of turkey and then invent reasons like “lots of tryptophan” to justify feeling sleepy afterwards. But food isn’t the only thing we can indulge in. Don’t you “citation needed” me; we all know that there have been times when we should really take a break from playing video games and then we do not do that. Instead, we double or triple or so-on down and keep playing.
And much like eating too much pumpkin pie, afterwards we feel tired, vaguely sick, and like the best option is to go lie down.
There are times when all of us think we might have played a little too much, but today I want to hear about moments when you definitely played too much in one session and you regret it. Heck, maybe you even regretted it as it was happening. But you definitely realized it was a mistake afterwards and resolved to never do that again until the next time. So when have you definitely played too much of an MMO?