MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2024: The baby bump curse of vengeance


Today we’re continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP’s weirdest MMORPG stories of the year, that year being 2024!

Coming in at #2 on our list is…

Tarisland’s baby bump curse of vengeance

Tarisland made me feel as if I had been taking crazy pills and/or having one long stroke all fall, as Tencent – we can only assume aided by translation AI – began pumping out frequent lore posts that just absolutely made no sense.

The first one jumped around in time, introduced characters without context, put the villain in charge with no explanation, seemed to imply humans live for hundreds of years, and referred to the king’s daughter’s baby bump as a demonic curse of vengeance. Pro tip to game devs, just don’t ever use the word “baby bump” in a lore post, OK? Just don’t. There’s no way to make it not weird in this context even if you speak English natively.

The second one got into some boss backstory but almost immediately jumped the rails with the story of a gay abbess whose abbot seems to have raped her with a fake exorcism? Holy shit, like right there in the lore? And then she dies to save her lover, and still becomes a bad boss that you have to kill in the game? Why is she the evil boss and not the abbot? What is this game doing??

Honestly, if anyone at all in the west were paying any attention to Tarisland, you’d be as weirded out as I was. Unfortunately for Tencent, it’s crickets.

Stay tuned for another weird story tomorrow, and don’t forget to check out our annual MMORPG awards and our Golden Yachties!

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