I seem to be something of an abnormality among MMO roleplayers, because most of the time I play the same character across multiple games. Not literally the same character, of course, but a character whom I like in one setting will usually get adjusted to fit in another setting with the same basic notes. So my Templar seeker of justice in Secret World Legends becomes a tactical captain charged with safeguarding the Federation in Star Trek Online, but it’s the same character concept.
At the same time, I know a lot of people who just carry the same character name with nary a thought spared for things like character motivations. We all know, for example, that odds are good a character named some variant on “Syp” is probably our own Justin creeping through the game. So what about you, dear readers? How consistent are you with your MMO character names? Do you have a unified “brand” for your names, or do you just pick whatever sounds cool for that setting?