Sam Kash

Sam Kash
Sam Kash was born with an NES controller in hand. Before he could read, he was firing up Final Fantasy OG and roaming for baddies to hunt. Some things never change, like that drive to hunt down baddies. Only now, he focuses his hunts on unsuspecting players in whatever game he can. He's heading up Massively Overpowered's new PvP focused column. So drop in and tell him your thoughts.

Fight or Kite: Battle Crush is a snack-sized take on the mythological battle royale scene

Imagine taking a bit of the theme from SMITE (really the only good part about SMITE in my estimation), the common battle royale grab-and-go...

Fight or Kite: 33 Immortals continues the trend of pseudo-MMO gaming

Even given the general pullback in the games industry from using the term MMO, I sure am noticing a bunch of other games that...

Fight or Kite: Rabbit and Steel distills the MMO raid experience into a flashy boss battling roguelike

So here’s one that came out of left field for me. Rabbit and Steel (heretofore mentally referred to as Buns 'n' Blades) is an...

Fight or Kite: Hey now, you’re Brawl Stars, get your game on, go play

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a birthday party when my nephew tugged on my sleeve and asked me if I still...

Fight or Kite: Pax Dei’s alpha is equal parts survival gameplay and grind-fueled crafting

In my experience, I’ve found "survival game" and "grindfest" are synonymous with each other in all but the rarest of cases. There just seems...

Fight or Kite: Gigantic is a fantastic MOBA, but it’s missing a bit of Q and A and TLC

Over the last couple of months, I’ve been keeping a cursory eye on the development and release of Gigantic: Rampage Edition - another resurrected...
wrong way to hold swords

Fight or Kite: Predecessor’s open beta brings back MOBA action and a heap of nostalgia

The newest, brightest pupil from the School for Extraordinary MOBAs has arrived for your gaming pleasure. Predecessor launched in early access last week, bringing...

Fight or Kite: Is Epic’s MOBA Paragon just too easy to remake but impossible to succeed?

This past week we got some news regarding Predecessor, a new MOBA game on the way. At first blush, it looks like many other...

Fight or Kite: Myth of Empires’ early gameplay is classic survival fare, but not as amazing as the trailer

A title like Myth of Empires rolls off the tongue like a turtle running down a flight of stairs: You can’t imagine how that...

Fight or Kite: Harry Potter Magic Awakened’s February update nerfed dailies and degraded the UI

Over the holiday and new year’s break, I spent the vast majority of my free time in mobile MMO Harry Potter: Magic Awakened. Because...

Fight or Kite: Ravendawn has a great class system, but gameplay needs polish

As an avid gamer of the '80s and '90s, I’ve got a real soft spot for all things retro-inspired. A lot of my favorites...

Fight or Kite: Warhaven’s pre-season 2 is super fun but perilously unbalanced

Update: This column was written before we knew that Nexon has decided to sunset the game in April, unfortunately. Consider this our eulogy and...

Fight or Kite: Harry Potter Magic Awakened’s winter seasonal event has its claws in me

Seasonal events and festivals are just about standard fare in MMOs these days. You’d probably be hard-pressed to find a game that didn’t include...

Fight or Kite: Multiplayer games to play over the holidays with friends and foes, 2023 edition

Tis the season, everyone! Grab your loot and get ready. I hope you have a little bit extra time to yourselves or at least...

First Impressions: Nexon’s THE FINALS blends the best features of Overwatch, Valorant, and Titanfall

As a true gamer through and through, I’ve played my fair share of games. By now I’ve probably played every genre of video game...

Fight or Kite: SMITE has the right vibes but the wrong gameplay for this PvP fan

SMITE is one of the largest MOBAs on the planet and has been for years now. In fact, it's currently celebrating its 10th anniversary!...

Fight or Kite: Netmarble’s Paragon The Overprime resurrects Epic’s lost MOBA Paragon (again)

Some things never change. The sky is blue – except at night. The grass is green – except in winter. And Paragon is dead...

Fight or Kite: Love anime, mechs, and battle royale? Super Mecha Champions is probably for you

If you’re anything like me, you love a good, dumb battle against other players. You also love all kinds of action anime. Maybe even...

Fight or Kite: Should PvPers return for New World’s Rise of the Angry Earth expansion?

All the talk going on around me about New World and its first paid expansion has caught my attention. There's been office chat discussing...

Fight or Kite: Harry Potter Magic Awakened’s guilds, story quests, and pay-to-win gacha mechanics

I’d be lying if I said my game time over the last several months hasn’t been completely upended by Harry Potter: Magic Awakened. It’s...