
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Let's make this happen.

Betawatch: Project Gorgon gears up with high-level content (January 13, 2017)

Is it fair to call Project Gorgon a spiritual successor to Asheron's Call? I'm going to go with yes, which means that this year...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: New classes in a post-Legion world

So World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5 is out now... but I'm going to be honest, that doesn't feel like much of anything. It's there,...

EverQuesting: The loss of Landmark

Daybreak did it again. Boy, that phrase has come to mean a great many different things over the years. However, in this case it...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...
Wake me up when the Hobbit films end.

Choose My Adventure: Starting my journey in Lord of the Rings Online

If I had to guess which tabletop roleplaying game I was going to associate with Lord of the Rings Online, I really wouldn't have...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s Homestead player housing blew my mind

I usually like to bury my opinion behind a bit of measured fact-checking and the weight of opposing opinions, but Elder Scrolls Online hit...

Perfect Ten: Mobile MMOs coming in 2017

This past year, we couldn't seem to go a week without bumping into news of some new mobile MMO or a tablet spin-off of...

Jukebox Heroes: Six MMOs that need official soundtrack releases

For an avid fan of video game soundtracks, and of MMO soundtracks in particular, the most frustrating aspect of collecting and listening to these...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Ten things I’d forgotten from Guild Wars 2’s Living World Season 1

I spent quite a while poring over a recent gem of a video that served as a fantastically nostalgic trip down memory lane through its...

Wisdom of Nym: Preparing for Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.5

It occurred to me as I penned last week's column that I hadn't actually been talking about Final Fantasy XIV's next patch very much...

Global Chat Extra: In remembrance of Landmark

Obviously, the reverberations of the news of Landmark's closure continue to be seen across the MMO community, including in our own comments sections. The...

EVE Evolved: Five EVE video shows to watch in 2017

Over the past several years, the way in which we receive gaming news and the types of gaming media we follow has changed pretty fundamentally. Today's...

One Shots: The Reaper comes for all MMOs

In light of this past week's sad Landmark news, it's perhaps too on-the-nose that I asked for players to send in pictures of defunct...
They're big, you see.

The Daily Grind: Do you look forward to being ‘done’ with an MMO?

I have a lot of reasons for taking something an extended break from Final Fantasy XI, but one of the biggest reasons is that...

The Game Archaeologist: Hero’s Journey

Fiction writers know well of Joseph Campbell's identification and outline of the monomyth, or "hero's journey," in many stories. The 12-step process starts with...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World says sayonara to 2016

Have you ever had a year that you looked back on and all you could really say was, Hey, I made it through. I've...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: The best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2016 (that aren’t Legion)

Sometimes you have to exclude something from a list. I could, for example, praise World of Warcraft: Legion for being a really good expansion...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR predictions for 2017

Here we are again. Star Wars: The Old Republic survived another year despite those who predicted five years ago that it would shut down...
Hey-nonny-nonny, it's time for another song you skip over!

Choose My Adventure: Preparing to re-enter Lord of the Rings Online

The votes are in, and the next four weeks will be spent in Lord of the Rings Online! This one quite genuinely surprised me,...

Global Chat: The Standing Stone standoff

Following the announcement of LOTRO and DDO's new studio and the subsequent cancellation of the Asheron's Call games, you can better believe that the...