
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

EVE Online gives love to planetary interaction, looks back at an all-female pirate gang

Creating and maintaining planetary colonies in EVE Online isn't exactly new, as the system dates back to 2010. But the developers have deemed it...
why is that the picture omg

WRUP: I overslept and my office is filled with firewood edition

Ah, Saturday, you noble day when I basically forget about time. Nothing I have to do today. Nothing much, anyway. I should check out...

The Daily Grind: What was the most disappointing MMO expansion of all time?

Best and worst, top and bottom: It's fun to discuss video game in absolute extremes (at times). And I'll bet that a lot of...
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Defiance 2050’s closed beta, ESO’s Summerset on the PTS (April 20, 2018)

Beta testing for Elder Scrolls Online's Summerset expansion - as well as the free update 18 that'll launch alongside it - began this week...

Choose My Adventure: And now, Ultima Online, sooner or later

Oh boy. So, yes, I did actually play some Ultima Online. Or I tried to play some Ultima Online, at least. I'm not sure that...
This seems like more of a half-move.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth turns on Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har for character testing

The first batch of the second wave of allied races are available for testing now on World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth's alpha test....
Who's your daddy? People will ask. Be sure you know.

Final Fantasy XIV releases its next patch site and its Live Letter digest

Players are crucial to the reconstruction of Doma in Final Fantasy XIV, so it's only right that the next leg of the game's main...

The Daily Grind: What keeps you logging into MMORPGs over a long period of time?

Earlier this month, Pantheon's community team tweeted out a question that keeps coming back to me: "What motivates you to play an MMORPG for...

Massively Overthinking: What we really mean when we talk about ‘difficulty’ in MMORPGs

Massively OP reader Steve wants us to revisit the Daily Grind on making death more meaningful without making it more annoying. His letter was long, so...
Now make them reproduce.

OrbusVR adds in new pet breeding and gear combination

In the real world, walking up to someone and asking if you can put your dragons together will probably get you arrested. In OrbusVR,...
gotta keep 'em separated

Revelation Online invites you to battle for glory in its new colosseum

It was teased, but now it's truly here. Revelation Online is introducing the colosseum, and its world will never be the same. Specifically, it...
Go punkin' when you get the blues

Fortnite brings out a newer, better 50v50 battle mode

People liked the 50v50 mode in Fortnite, but it had some issues. Fortunately, it was only a limited-time mode, so the developers could take...
lol, valve

Dutch Gaming Authority calls out four games as violating its lootbox policies

If you had expected the Netherlands to be leading the fight against lootboxes, you may be more clairvoyant than the rest of the population....
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: Speculative classes for the future of WoW

If Allied Races show us anything, it's that World of Warcraft is really in no danger of running out of new races to throw...

Hey Alexa, where’s Blind Mary? Activision and Amazon put game advice on personal assistants

Among hardcore MMORPG players, particularly vets of a certain age, there's a longstanding grudge against the shift toward being able to look up every...
Help friends.

Battle Bards Episode 119: Skyforge

Believe it or not, it’s the Battle Bards’ fifth anniversary! From its weirdly humble beginnings back in 2013 to our arrogant ramblings here in...
Saw it coming, indeed.

Star Trek Online opens up its expansion bundle packages for Victory is Life

If you've been through prior expansion launches for Star Trek Online, you know that the expansion launch is almost always accompanied by big packs...

Monster Hunter World is patching in a new hunt against Kulve Taroth

Most games could not get away with a patch that adds literally one monster. "That isn't enough of a patch," players would say. But...
Let the gods fall, etc.

TERA delivers impressive new character abilities with the Godsfall patch

The latest update for TERA on PC brings characters to new heights of power. Not just because you're acquiring all sorts of commendations and...

Radical Heights teases female characters and jumping through windows

There's still plenty of stuff going on in the development of Radical Heights, and Cliff Bleszinski is showing it off on Twitter. What sort...