
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Looking at Secret World’s ‘dangerous’ roleplaying scene

"It was supposed to be fiction, but the developers and then the fans started blurring the edges of the game. It turned out that the...

Guild Chat: Dealing with the ‘it’s me or the MMO guild!’ ultimatum

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which the Massively Overpowered readership can band together to help a gamer-in-need with...

One Shots: I think I’m turning Japanese

I've got your picture of me and you You wrote "I love you," I love you too I sit there staring and there's nothing...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best consumable items?

Back at launch, I had a lot of affection for playing a Warrior with Alchemy in World of Warcraft. Sure, I missed out on...

LOTRO’s insane player Olympics return next week

What do you get when you take a bunch of stubborn and foolhearty Dwarves, get them tanked on ale, and then start boasting about...
There are no bees!

WRUP: Anyone could have caught fire edition

Last but not least, I want to close out this meeting by addressing the elephant in the room. Yes, I am your boss, and...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite pop culture reference in an MMO?

I will never be completely sure of it, but I like to think that the "Deep-Toads" of Lord of the Rings Online's Moria are...
This guy, though... he didn't get it.

Final Fantasy XIV players to host in-game events, charity stream for hurricane relief Saturday

Hat tip to MMO blogger Aywren, who picked up on a Final Fantasy XIV-based Direct Relief charity event "to raise awareness and bolster hurricane...
Drift-slidin' away.

Betawatch: Worlds Adrift takes criticism and updates free tools (September 8, 2017)

Nobody likes being criticized, ever. But it's a reality of life, and so Worlds Adrift has been taking the feedback from players about the...

Atlas Reactor patches in a new solo mode and a new character

There's a tendency for all of us to claim that it's our teammates holding us back in online games. Any raid leader, for example,...
We all fly up here.

Star Trek Online launches Season 13.5 for consoles

If you play Star Trek Online on consoles, you probably don't like having to wait for patches while PC players get them faster. But...

Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris DLC confirmed, Bungie responds to shader controversy

Yesterday, we touched on the controversy brewing in Destiny 2, where Bungie has begun selling one-use consumables dubbed shaders (akin to dyes) - items...
So... this is a thing.

Choose My Adventure: Many kinds of lost in Shroud of the Avatar

One of the first things I did in Shroud of the Avatar was get kind of lost. The last week's activities were largely similar....

Leaderboard: Are you playing Destiny 2?

I was super worried about losing my whole guild to Destiny 2's PC beta last week, but after the beta fling, they're back to...

No, Star Citizen’s 3.0 alpha isn’t ready yet, but here’s how to ‘breathe’ while you wait

3.0 when? We still don't know. Star Citizen's Eric Kieron Davis begins the latest Around the Verse with a Burndown segment, noting that the team's...
Call and answer.

One of the last Asheron’s Call emulators vanished last night

When Asheron's Call shut down last winter following the spinoff of Standing Stone Games from Turbine, one of the few hopes the community had...

Shroud of the Avatar is running another free trial until September 27

Curious about Shroud of the Avatar but not curious enough to drop money on the title first? Now you can try it out and...
Roll away your dice.

TERA brings a roll of the dungeon dice with its next update on September 12

Good luck with the next dungeon arriving in TERA on September 12th. You'll need it, because the new Demon's Wheel dungeon is all about...

Global Chat: Overwatch’s stalled story

With all of the attention, fandom, e-sports, and development given to Blizzard's Overwatch, have you ever suspected that the team shooter has a critical...
March out of the light.

Everyone seems to love Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light, and it’s not what you think

Are you interested in watching a series about Final Fantasy XIV that's actually about watching two people play the game? You might be surprised....