
Get caught up on convention happenings and major events in your favorite MMO. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

EVE Vegas 2015: Further Citadel details, Valkyrie, capitals, and skill packets

Though most of the big reveals for EVE Vegas 2015 were front-loaded into day one's EVE keynote talk, a lot of questions were left...

EVE Vegas 2015: Citadel expansion details revealed

CCP promised some big reveals at EVE Vegas 2015 and so far it has definitely delivered. In yesterday's EVE Online keynote speech, we heard concrete...

EVE Vegas 2015: What to expect from EVE Vegas 2015

While the main event of the EVE Online community calendar is undoubtedly the annual EVE Fanfest in Iceland, smaller fan-run events have popped up...

Dungeons & Dragons Online celebrates the Night Revels

Like so many other games in this season, Dungeons & Dragons Online is running an event celebrating the macabre, the scary, the spooky, and...

GTA Online’s lowrider weekend events start tomorrow

Have you tricked out your lowrider after this week's Grand Theft Auto Online patch? Either way, Rockstar is hyping a lowrider event weekend that...

Skyforge invites players to the Evil Pumpkin Festival

Dark and goofy times are upon the population of Skyforge, as the season of the Evil Pumpkin Festival is now live. The Halloween celebration, which...

Star Trek Online gives away free hoverboards

WildStar and The Secret World aren't the only MMOs getting into the Back to the Future spirit this month. Star Trek Online has its...

The Secret World’s Samhain Halloween event stalks in next week

Halloween is just around the corner, and so is The Secret World's Samhain event: festivities kick off next Tuesday, October 27th.  Every year the...

LOTRO bribes players to test new datacenter

Lord of the Rings Online is calling its playerbase to jump on the Bullroarer server this Saturday to help test out a new datacenter...

Blood Raiders blast into EVE Online

'Tis the season for extremist cults and macabre space battles, haven't you heard? At least this the case in EVE Online, where the Crimson...
This is... oh, you know the song, never mind.

Age of Conan kicks off a new Halloween event and a new raid

The spookiest of all possible holidays is almost here, and Age of Conan is getting in on the action with an all-new Halloween event....

WildStar’s hoverboard races pay homage to Back to the Future Day

If social media hasn't repeatedly informed you of the fact that this is "Back to the Future Day" -- the day in which Marty and...

Here is Daybreak’s Halloween event schedule

Daybreak has always been a huge proponent of Halloween, and this year is no different. Returning, new, and revised events are happening in pretty much...

The Stream Team: Exploring EverQuest II’s pre-expansion and killer bunny events

October is most definitely a time for events, and EverQuest II upped the ante with three at one time! Not only is the Halloween-inspired...

World of Warships pits players against ghost ships

How do you celebrate Halloween in World of Warships? By battling it out with actual ghost ships, of course! From now through November 2nd, players in...

Linkin Park to perform at BlizzCon

BlizzCon 2015 has its big closing act: Linkin Park. The rock group has signed on to perform a concert for Blizzard's community on Saturday night, November...
Vote like you want to win.

Star Trek Online enters the final round of ship design votes

So what do you want for your next Federation ship in Star Trek Online? If your answer was something about red and blue nacelles...

Trove patches in Halloween decorations and alters stats

You can decorate your personal space in Trove however you like; if you want pumpkins and spiders crawling about year-round, that's your business. But...
This is... you know.

All Saints’ Wake returns to Final Fantasy XIV

It's time once again for the residents of Eorzea to accept the somewhat horrifying antics of voidsent pranksters because All Saint's Wake has arrived...

ArcheAge’s Halloween event starts tomorrow

ArcheAge's Hallowtide "rises from the dead" on October 20th, according to Trion's latest website blurb. There's probably a joke in there relating to ArcheAge...