MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

The Soapbox: Everyone’s being dumb about Star Wars: The Old Republic’s lightsaber

A couple of years ago, The Force Awakens introduced us to (among other things) a lightsaber that looks poorly made, like a little kid...

You can now play a Dragonborn on Dungeon & Dragon Online’s test server

You can't be a dungeon in Dungeons & Dragons Online, but soon you can be a dragon! Or at least the descendant of a...

World of Warcraft expands its arena world championship series

World of Warcraft is cranking back up its Arena World Championship series for another run -- and this year it looks to be bigger...

PAX East 2017: TERA is coming to Xbox One and PS4 this year

Remember those rumors last year about a console port for TERA, buffeted by the surveys to selected TERA players about which consoles they play...
birb are the wirb

The Daily Grind: What MMO news are you hoping for from PAX East?

It's that time of year again when I go shipping up to Boston, because I live the closest and thus must continue to cover...

Geek out with some Elder Scrolls Morrowind lore comparisons

I consider TES III: Morrowind one of the greatest RPGs ever made, due in large part to its gloriously excessive backstory, a significant portion...

Massively Overthinking: That moment when your MMO looks like a ‘fire sale at an exotic pet store’

Massively OP Podcast listener John recently sent us a really great question that saw Justin and me sharply divided in terms of our responses,...

EverQuest II activates 14 expert dungeons and raids

EverQuest II is pouring a dollop of danger in the cups of its players this week, thanks to the activation of expert modes for...

Infinite Universe distills all of space onto mobile

In the video game space race between the USA and Russia, who will win? It looks like the competition is heating up, as the...

Project Genom rewrites its code and renovates its world

The end of 2016 was a messy and unfortunate time for the folks at Project Genom, who have only now emerged to start up...

Aion gets enchantment fever, orders Patch 5.3 to bed rest for a few extra days

It's always best to get the bad news out of the way first, rip that bandage off and all that. So here it is:...

Beat Destiny, earn a personalized t-shirt

I ground rank 7 in Destiny and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

Dungeon Fighter Online brings out male mages for its second anniversary

Believe it or not, one of the most popular MMORPGs in the world right now is actually Dungeon Fighter Online. The anime title boasts a...

The Stream Team: Experiencing more Elder Scrolls Online

Despite the fact she has owned Elder Scrolls Online since it launched nearly three years ago, there is so much that Massively OP's MJ...

EverQuesting: The Domino effect on Daybreak and EverQuest II

Yup, it's true. It was a sad day when Emily Taylor confirmed that she was indeed leaving Daybreak. When John Smedley's tweet popped up...

Skyforge’s new LFG tool is live with Stand United today

Heads-up, demigods: The Stand United Patch is live in Skyforge today. It's a relatively small patch for such a grand name, but it does herald...
Take me to here.

Choose My Adventure: Poisoning the well in WildStar

It's amazing how some things stick in your mind while others don't. I honestly had forgotten about the whole questline in WildStar that involves showing...
This is fine.

PAX East 2017: Chronicles of Elyria teases its PAX demo

Chronicles of Elyria's devs recently streamed a "speed-run" version of their planned PAX East demo for players. But we think that to really get...

The Elder Scrolls Online: Content for PvPers, content for decorators

The Elder Scrolls Online has a new dev blog out this week all about the game's planned Morrowind PvP additions. Thanks to our discussion...
From a certain point of view.

Crowfall makes plans for its 24-7 test server

ArtCraft is about to take a little piece of tape and put it down over Crowfall's "on" button. "We plan to transition the game servers...