
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Tree of Savior is in the midst of a massive combat and leveling do-over

Earlier this month, Tree of Savior dropped a bomb on the beta playerbase with the news that its combat and experience will be completely...

Neverwinter’s Shroud of Souls endgame quest comes with a new companion

Endgamers are getting lots of love in Neverwinter's Shroud of Souls campaign. That's the takeaway from today's PWE dev blog, which covers the new...

Overwatch’s Genji and Hanamura map leap into Heroes of the Storm

A fourth Overwatch toon is coming to Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard revealed today: The assassin Genji will join Lucio, Tracer, and Zarya in...
It's a house, you see.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – side stories, part two

Boy, I will be really miffed if this winds up taking more time than I have until Final Fantasy XIV's second expansion arrives. I...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind closed beta test has begun

Get your "It's happening!!!" gifs ready: ZeniMax announced this morning that the invites for The Elder Scrolls Online's Morrowind beta are riding out on...
This, obviously, is just a boring old non-animated picture.

Path of Exile offers animated teasers for Fall of Oriath

Video games are usually a pretty visual medium, especially these days, interactive fiction and Dwarf Fortress notwithstanding. It's why we all like screenshots. But...

The MOP Up: Overwatch gives smurfing a pass (April 16, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

SWTOR sits on a brand-new superweapon

Now that we've watched The Last Jedi teaser trailer a few hundred times and steeled ourselves for a potential Death Star Number 4, SWTOR...

A trimmed-down Star Citizen 3.0 alpha is coming this summer

You can stop fidgeting about what might or might not arrive in Star Citizen this year: Cloud Imperium has released its promised development roadmap...

Betawatch: SkySaga’s alpha is coming to a happy end (April 14, 2017)

It's very rare that this job allows us to use the terms "shutdown" and "good" in the same sentence, but the upcoming alpha shutdown...

Osiris: New Dawn’s April patch boasts level design, melee, and dungeon improvements

Survival sandbox Osiris: New Dawn has a new dev post and video out this week discussing just what is coming in its "massive" next...
And that's the future. It's the future. Your future.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off a new login campaign and prepares for another live letter

The second expansion for Final Fantasy XIV will be here in just about two months, and players are curious. Sure, we know a bit...

Here’s how Neverwinter’s ‘Stronghold Marauder’ guild events will work

When the Shroud of Souls campaign launches for Neverwinter in May, people in guilds will be treated to a special type of event called...

Eternal Crusade unleashes an Ork waaagh! campaign

If there's one thing that has always been associated with the Warhammer franchise, it's the terrible and overwhelming crusades that its greenskins occasionally unleash....

Elite Dangerous rolls back background sim data due to errors

Keeping with the tradition that politics doesn't tend to make one's life better, Elite Dangerous has had to rollback its background sim data to...

WildStar looks forward to more Prime difficulty content over the next year

The first major WildStar patch of 2017 unlocked the Primal Matrix and added the Prime difficulty level for select dungeons. What's next for the...

Wurm Online patches in new housing, siege weaponry

Sandbox MMORPG Wurm Online has pushed out a meaty update today focused partly on new additions to its housing system. Players should anticipate a...

Elder Scrolls Online illustrates the Warden’s cold, nature, and summon abilities

If you liked Tuesday's quickie video of The Elder Scrolls Online's Warden healing plant spell, you're going to like today's dev blog too. The...
It's all fun and games until you have a hull breach.

Star Trek Online highlights the rewards for its upcoming War Games gameplay

The next major season patch for Star Trek Online introduces players to a major new system: War Games. The whole point is good-natured competition...

Warframe is probably revealing its next warframe on this livestream

Warframe is set to reveal something big on today's livestream, the studio has hinted. Rumors about "the thirty-third" -- as in, 33rd warframe --...