The Stream Team: Preparing Storm for Marvel Heroes’ Cosmic Midtown

For the most part, MassivelyOP's MJ just loves going into Marvel Heroes and blasting things with her super powers and reveling in the loot explosions. However, to fully experience the game, you have to kit out your hero and participate in the higher-level content. MJ has yet to do that on her favorites, so today she's bringing a guru...

Worlds Adrift dev blog addresses visual effects

If you want your game to be a great experience, you can't leave out the visual effects, and Worlds Adrift devs want you to know how much they value this vital aspect. The latest dev blog offers a glimpse of the process they are using to bring VFX to life in the Unity engine. Folks who are interested in...

Rumor: Firefall’s Red 5 Studios has suffered mass layoffs

Former Red 5 Studios employees are suggesting the company is in big trouble today. Community Manager FadedPez has apparently been discharged from the studio. Matt DeWald was a producer on Firefall until March of this year; he suggests the remainder of the studio has been let go. There's more on the Firefall Reddit sub. It is unknown whether and how Firefall itself will be...

No Man’s Sky possibly delayed (again) on the PC

The last time No Man's Sky announced a launch delay, it caused no end of a ruckus on the internet from disgruntled fans. Now the playerbase's patience will be tested once again, as the August release date is being adjusted. The good news is that PlayStation 4 owners will be able to access and enjoy No Man's Sky on the...

Heroes and Generals counts 8M registered players

Reto-Moto announced this morning that as it approaches the second anniversary of Heroes and Generals' Steam early access launch, it's clocked in over 8 million players -- that's registered players, of course, since the game is free-to-play. A press release issued today counts "12,716 tweaks and improvements" since then, as well as 3,137 bugs squashed. Most recently, the MMOFPS...

HEX dev blog offers a peek at PvE campaign’s second adventure zone

If you've finished up the PvE campaign in HEX: Shards of Fate and await more, the latest dev blog is aimed at you! With the Primal Down set released, the Steam launch out of the way, and the first international invitational finished, the devs are ready to show off a bit of Adventure Zone 2. Soon, players will be able...
No, mine aren't changing, that's not what I'm actually saying here.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off a five-day login campaign

Have you stepped away from Final Fantasy XIV for a bit? That's understandable. There are a lot of games out there to play, after all. But now that the game has patched in a roguelike dungeon crawl, the end of the Heavensward story, and new dungeons and raids, perhaps you'd like to give all of the new content a...

Tree of Savior debuts new PvP battle mode, extends scavenge challenge

Are you the best Tree of Savior player on your block? Do your friends come over to your house and marvel at your mad Savior skillz? Then it's time to show your stuff with the game's newest PvP mode, Team Battle League. Team Battle League consists of best-of-three PvP arena fights that take place four times each day. Players can fight...

Shroud of the Avatar counts down the final days to its persistent world

We are just two days away from Shroud of the Avatar's final wipe and debut of its persistent world (albeit one that's still in early access). It is hard to imagine what is going on over at Portalarium, but from the sound of its most recent newsletter, the team is hard at work crossing Is and dotting Ts to...

Virtus Gaming hopes to be the next big thing for MMORPG communities

Last week, we were contacted by the purveyor of a new online gaming social media platform called Virtus Gaming. Drew Duncan's his name, and he's got a vision for the broader MMORPG community. "We want to revolutionize the gaming industry," the email began. I'm gonna be honest -- I initially ignored Duncan's email because we've seen so many of these...