Aventurine ditches Darkfall classic server project

It's a dark day for those who were hoping to see a return to the classic era of Darkfall. A few weeks ago, player enthusiasm for a pre-Unholy Wars server had prompted Aventurine to investigate the possibility of creating such a world. Now the studio says that it has decided to kill the project and redouble its efforts on Unholy...

One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods

I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks like the innards of a monster. Still, how often do you see bagpipes in MMOs? I've spied them only in Lord of the Rings Online, and there only rarely. Reader Ratstew took this photogenic shot of...
We turned out all right.

The Daily Grind: Do you trust MMO leaks, rumors, and teaser-based speculation?

MMO companies do their collective best to make sure that people don't find out certain pieces of information ahead of time, which makes it all the more obvious when people do find out ahead of time. And it happens with fair regularity. Rumors come out, leaks happen, teaser images go out, and someone posts a byte-by-byte analysis that concludes...

Rumor: SWTOR E3 information leaked on official website

BioWare accidentally revealed its Star Wars: The Old Republic announcement for E3 this weekend, and -- spoiler alert -- this could be a game changer. The leaked page, which began, "A man can have anything... if he's willing to sacrifice everything," tells the players about a shake-up that will hit the primary storyline in October. It mentions a new major...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: June 13, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Das Tal failed to meet its Kickstarter goal, but developer Fairytale Distillery intends to soldier on. "Das Tal will continue with development. That is the simplest way to put it," the firm explained. "The Kickstarter was never our one and only path, and we would not have kicked it off so early if...

Ascent’s NPCs sound kinda like Skynet

If you're itching for a PvE-focused space sandbox, now's probably a good time to check out Ascent: The Space Game. It's 20 percent off during Steam's summer sale, and Fluffy Kitten Studios has recently patched in the ability to talk to NPCs and explore player-made colonies. The "new update to NPCs will radically change the landscape of the game," according to...

Perfect World announces World of Jade Dynasty

Perfect World has announced a new MMORPG, though it's currently slated for the Chinese market. It's called World of Jade Dynasty, and it's designed both for the PC and for current-gen consoles. MMO Culture reports that it uses a new in-house engine and it will feature large-scale PvP involving "flying battleships inspired by ancient Chinese designs." The site also says...

Star Citizen’s Vanduul Scythe will soon be flyable

Remember the very first Star Citizen trailer from 2012? I'm sure you do because it was completely badass, even though way back then it was sort of a tech demo for Squadron 42. It featured an enemy craft called a Scythe, and while the design has been tweaked since then, the ship retained its asymmetrical alien look as it was ported...

Burstfire’s tactical shooter gives players one life per game

If you only had one life in a FPS match, how would it change your playstyle? Think about the implications of such a rule carefully because this is the premise of new multiplayer shooter Burstfire. Made by ex-Hawken devs, Burstfire is a 5v5 tactical shooter in which every player has one life per round. This is done with the hope...

Nexus Telegraph: Five reasons I’m over the moon about WildStar’s free-to-play

So how about those anniversary gifts in WildStar, huh? A year ago I was tremendously excited that the early start to the game's launch just so happened to coincide with my own birthday, which I felt was the best present I could've gotten. But this year I get a rowsdower with a lollipop on its nose and a boombox...