If we could see off this mountain.

Voxelnauts gets Greenlit, posts a new Kickstarter video

Looking forward to playing Voxelnauts? So are lots of people on Steam, it appears; as the game approaches the halfway point in its Kickstarter campaign, it's successfully been greenlit. It's good news for everyone hoping to nab the game via that popular service and a good sign of the title's positive word of mouth thus far. There are 17 days...

A guide to Heroes of the Storm for MOBA newbies and MMORPG fans

So you've heard about MOBAs by now, right? Maybe you tried League of Legends, or the idea behind DOTA 2 was too confusing to inspire a download. Now there's this Heroes of the Storm thing coming out and you find yourself oddly excited (or being badgered by friends to get in game). Plus, it's Blizzard, and you can't pass up a...

Infinite Crisis is shutting down on August 14th

DC-themed superhero MOBA Infinite Crisis is shutting down on August 14th, according to an announcement posted on the front page of Turbine's official site. After much deliberation, we regret to announce the official shutdown of Infinite Crisis. We will end development efforts today and will close the service on August 14, 2015. Between now and August 14th, the game will remain...

Star Trek Online highlights summer events, addresses klesbiangate

Summer comes yet again, and while the distinction is kind of arbitrary in deep space, for those of us pretending to be in deep space in Star Trek Online it's a good reason to head back to Risa for another summer event. This year's rewards have been previewed on the official site, and it's a mix of options for...
Barfalo Wild Wings.

World of Warcraft’s Ashran expands to a new area in patch 6.2

If you've been taking part in the battles over Ashran in World of Warcraft, it's understandable that you could be a little tired of the open PvP zone. That's why the zone is getting a bit of an overhaul in patch 6.2, starting with a mechanical change that removes Conquest Point rewards from killing faction bosses and events. Instead,...
But this'll clear those population problems right up, I'm sure.

ArcheAge’s server merges will spark another land rush

When ArcheAge first announced that there would be some sort of server consolidation, players were understandably nervous. Merges can be a messy business at the best of times, but when you have a game with limited land and a huge amount of pressure to get that land, there's a very real fear that you might lose all of your...
I could talk about planting ideas in your head, but that seems a bit too easy.

Guild Wars 2 teases a Ventari image

You have probably noticed by now that ArenaNet likes to be a bit cryptic with its Guild Wars 2 teasers. Case in point: a Ventari teaser image posted on Twitter yesterday with a tiny bit of lore text. What does that mean? Who knows! Presumably the game's staff know; they're just not telling us yet. That's the definition of cryptic. Fan...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall supporters unlock localization stretch goal

Is English not your first language? If not, thanks for struggling through and reading our site anyway, and you can also take heart in the fact that Crowfall's latest stretch goal has been unlocked. That means localization for a variety of different languages, so even those for whom English isn't a first language or who otherwise would be locked...

The Daily Grind: How would you run an ethical MMO cash shop?

Today's Daily Grind topic comes to us in a roundabout way from Kickstarter donor Le Entrepreneur, who asks, Why do MMOs use cash shops they know hurt players? There's an easy answer to this -- because money -- but it's worth exploring in more detail, I think. Cash shops in general, after all, don't hurt players, but cash shops that exploit players'...

Not So Massively: Heroes of the Storm’s launch; Need for Speed’s online DRM

Nintendo's quriky new online paint-battle game Splatoon officially launched this week to very positive reviews. Monster-battling game Moonrise entered early access and promises Pokémon-like online arena battles. EA revealed that the recently announced Need for Speed reboot will require an internet connection to play. Star Citizen's devs accidentally leaked secret assets from the game's development, including hidden star systems...