Dark Age of Camelot welcomes traveling merchants, prepares next patch

If the latest Dark Age of Camelot newsletter is any indication, the team and community are crazy involved with this classic RvR MMO. Broadsword said last night that it is preparing Patch 1.118 for late May or early June with "exciting new content" as well as fixes for pet pathing issues, revamps to several old dungeons, and improvements to...

Hyperspace Beacon: Hands-on with SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor update

If you read the last Hyperspace Beacon, then you know that BioWare's announcement that Ziost is finally hitting Star Wars: The Old Republic excited me beyond reason. Ziost is one of those planets that really should make a mark on the SWTOR universe because of its significance in Star Wars ancient history. Unfortunately, that also means that BioWare has...

Children’s Week returns to World of Warcraft

Won't somebody please think of the children! Oh... someone did? And there's a whole week dedicated to those wee 'uns without parents? Now we feel like a heel. Children's Week has returned to World of Warcraft, giving every player the chance to be a big brother or sister to orphaned tykes. Of course, you're not just doing this out of the...

Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown launches today

After quite a while in early access testing and a significant name change that appears to have displaced much of the "online" component of the game, Shadowrun Chronicles is officially launching today with its first campaign, Boston Lockdown. The launch is accompanied by several balancing changes, a polishing pass, and plenty of bug fixes. Players can form a team of...

Dev polls community about bringing back original Darkfall Online

Are you unsatisfied with the way that Darkfall Online has progressed after transforming into Unholy Wars? There may be a window of opportunity to undo all of that and bring the game or at least a copy of the game back to what it used to be -- if that's a concern of yours, of course. Aventurine's Axilmar put out...

Blasting through a hands-on with TERA’s new Gunner

Are you tempted by TERA's new Gunner? I am. Admittedly it's been a long while since I've frolicked in the land of Arborea, but my interest is piqued. Basically, I'd never really felt a great affinity for my Priest no matter how much I wanted to like her, so an intriguing new class might be just what the healer ordered to increase...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs eliminate ‘soulbound’ mechanics?

This morning's Daily Grind arrives from Kickstarter donor jackfrost, who phrases his question in the form of a rant: Why do almost all rewards in current gen MMOs have to be some form of soulbound? I hate it. Me too, frankly. I suppose it got started back in EverQuest with the advent of "no-drop" items, but over the years, themeparks especially (but...

Not So Massively: LoL’s Reddit controversy, HotS’ Heroes of the Dorm

If ever we needed evidence that e-sports are fast becoming more like real-life sports, this week's MOBA news provided it. Dota 2 announced that a new seasonal Major Championship league will fill in the gap between world championships and that there will be strict transfer windows for teams just like in real life sports. Top North American League of...

ArcheAge’s Freedich housing disappears tomorrow

Do you play ArcheAge? Do you own land on Freedich Isle? If so, you'll want clear out all your chests, furniture, and crested items before tomorrow. Trion is removing housing from the pirate island with the Dread Prophecies patch, but the firm is also compensating affected players. If you own an 8x8 plot, you'll get 625 gold, five worker's comp...
Someone thinks this is super neat!

Cabal II closed beta begins April 30th

Those of you sitting on the edge of your seats and waiting eagerly for the first Cabal II beta test in North America need wait no longer. You can sit on the whole seat now. In fact, you should probably always sit on the whole seat. The closed beta test for the game starts on April 30th, and you'll...