
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

The Daily Grind: How many of you are still playing Guild Wars 2?

As I type this, Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion has been out exactly a month. At the time, I remember making fun...

The MOP Up: Warface celebrates its birthday in Chernobyl (October 22, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO rules at Halloween events?

I'm almost never happier in MMORPGs than when October rolls around. There's so much moodiness and festivities revolving around Halloween, thanks to developers' undying...

Massively Overthinking: Is open-world housing really a ‘failed’ MMORPG experiment?

Massively OP's Justin Olivetti has a provocative article on his personal gaming blog, Bio Break, this week on MMORPG housing. "I once again wonder why...

Choose My Adventure: All spoken out in Guild Wars 2

Well, this is a bit awkward. I appear to have run out of things to say. This is not inherently a bad thing. My time...

The Soapbox: NCsoft’s bizarre silence on Aion’s server merges says everything you need to know

NCsoft done messed up. Again. Yes, I know the studio has already had a few black eyes for other things throughout the years, but...

Blade and Soul is stung by Hive Queen update and welcomes Halloween

Would you ever stick your hand into a hive of angry hornets? Blade and Soul is hoping that you'll go further than that; the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 140: Dubious drops in LOTRO, FFXIV, and SWTOR

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends' Orochi Tower patch, Lord of the Rings' weird patch week, FFXIV's housing mess, SWTOR's balance patch, Warframe's open-world patch, and H1Z1's name-change patch, with a mailbag question about older gamers in MMORPGs.

Guild Wars 2’s Halloween event heralds new mount skins and new content

Guild Wars 2's Halloween festivities have officially begun! The Mad King's gala has a few new additions this year, including new themed guild decor, new...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire story

I feel as though the time is finally right to talk to you all about the awesome chunk of story that dropped with Guild Wars...

Ship of Heroes reveals its Lightning Blast powerset with a new video

It's sacrilege to say it, I'm sure, but I never loved lightning powers in City of Heroes - lightning wasn't much of a damage...

The MOP Up: Speedrunning World of Warcraft (October 15, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Battle Bards Episode 107: Blade and Soul expansions

After 50 episodes, the Battle Bards have made the brave decision to revisit the hallowed lands of Blade and Soul to look at two...

One Shots: Sea horsing around

When it comes to unusual ways for Massively OP readers to get around in MMORPGs, there seems to be no shortage of bizarre methods...
Some day, I will be good about screenshots. That day is not today.

Choose My Adventure: Map-based antics in Guild Wars 2

One of the points of the polls and discussions for Guild Wars 2 the other week was that while I could focus on either...

City of Titans outlines power set design for the game

As a spiritual successor to City of Heroes, there's an obvious line through City of Titans when it comes to powers. That does not,...

City of Heroes’ Paragon Chat is getting its own player-run Halloween contests, missions, and music

Just because City of Heroes is gone doesn't mean that you can't have Halloween events for the game. It sort of does remove most...

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of ‘automatic helping behaviors’ in MMORPGs?

We've been complaining about lockboxes a lot lately as an unwelcome psychological trick in gaming, so this morning, I wanted to talk about a...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: Why no one should recommend World of Warcraft ever

Last week, MOP's Justin (friend to man and beast alike) posted his list of MMOs he would recommend people play. It was a pretty...
We never like these things.

But seriously, lockboxes suck, even if the ESRB doesn’t think they’re gambling. Stop buying lockboxes.

So, MMO players. Are you tired of hearing about lockboxes and gambleboxes? It feels like we've been complaining about them for like six or...