april fools day 2017

Reddit Place is not an MMO, but it is an MMO

Wandering around Reddit can be almost as hazardous as falling into the time vacuums of Wikipedia and TV Tropes. This I remembered yesterday, when...
It's not real.

The Daily Grind: What MMO April Fools’ Day joke makes you sad it’s just a joke?

It's not really difficult to tell when an announcement is an April Fools' Day joke; they're usually pretty obvious. Final Fantasy XIV's announcement of...
These guys.

Introducing the Massively Overpowered Objectivity Guide and App

Friends, enemies, ladies, gentlemen, morphean blobs, and colours out of space, we know that the most pressing question on your mind when you read...

April Fools’ Day 2017: Hijinks across the MMOverse

If you don't like tricks and jokes, just stop reading right now, turn the lights off, and go climb back into bed. Nothing on...