april fools day 2024

Perfect Ten: Great MMO April Fools’ Day pranks from back in the day

There are two types of people on April 1st: those who are annoyed and indifferent to the tomfoolery going on all around them, and...

The Stream Team: Nothing here but us chickens in Neverwinter

Let's be honest: Massively OP's MJ doesn't need any reason to be silly. It can be more difficult for her not to be! But...

Working As Intended: The top 10 hot tubs in MMORPGs

It's been a running joke for a few years that I always put hot tubs in my MMO houses whenever possible, and once that...

April Fools’ Day 2024 events and gags from around the MMORPG world

Welcome to weird MMORPG game mode day! I mean, April Fools' Day - not that we're sorry a lot of the "pranks" have become...

The Daily Grind: Introducing our sponsor, Swords of Tales of Legends of Reigns of Epics of Sagas of Rhymes of Lyrics of Elflandia

Heya, folks, we're trying something just a little different this April, and we hope you'll be on board for it. Traditionally, we've avoided any...

The Stream Team: Venturing into AQ3D’s Wiggly Whompa’s chocolate factory

Around the beginning of April, things start getting a little silly. (We simply cannot figure out why!) And in AQ3D, there's a new silly...

Elder Scrolls Online crosses $2B in customer spending, revives Jester’s Festival for April Fools’ day

When you look at the high risk of making and running MMORPG, a reasonable question arises: Why would any studio undertake such a project?...

World of Warships March update heralds its April Fools’ Day Piñata Hunt

All right folks, pin a shiny gold star - or a set of googly eyes - on World of Warships, which has already laid...