
A Montreal studio known to MMO players for its work on Eternal Crusade.

The ESA met with the World Health Organization about the ‘gaming disorder’ classification

One of last year's big stories for the gaming industry was the decision by the World Health Organization to include the brand-new "gaming disorder"...

Bethsoft and Behaviour resolve their lawsuit over Westworld and Fallout Shelter

One of the key gaming legal disputes of 2018 was the lawsuit lodged by Bethsoft against Behaviour Interactive, specifically focused on the release of...

Whatever happened to Divergence Online, Tree of Life, and Eternal Crusade?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...

EVE Online revises its online harassment policy, loses another staffer

CCP Games says it's updated EVE Online's policies governing harassment. The changes came after the player-elected Council of Stellar Management called for a session...

The Stream Team: Returning to the Deathgarden

The free trial of DEATHGARDEN is still going, so Massively OP's MJ is diving right back in for some more... well, death. Hopefully she...

The Stream Team: A first look at DEATHGARDEN

If a new game is going to give out a free weekend, that sounds like a pretty decent time to check it out! Massively...

Behaviour’s DEATHGARDEN survival shooter hits early access, is free-to-play right now

What's Behaviour Interactive been up to since taking Eternal Crusade free-to-play, pondering a battle royale mode, and being sued by Bethsoft? Getting its caps...

EVE Evolved: A furious supercapital war is raging in EVE Online

This year kicked off with a bang for EVE Online as rumblings emerged of impending war on a scale that the gaming world had...

Time to go shopping and make friends in retro-sandbox Staxel’s latest update

Ah heck, as I started writing this post, I remembered I defied my "no early access" rule and bought this game on the Steam...
Your approval fills me with shame.

Today in why we can’t have nice things: Roblox players were banned after ‘raping’ little girl’s avatar

Please note, this article covers a sensitive subject - please skip it if the title is already crunching up your stomach. If you've got kids,...

Sea of Thieves fixes cannon teleporting (sort of) and bans cheaters

This week's Sea of Thieves update did keep the servers down extralong on the holiday, but there wasn't much to it. There's a new...

Warner Bros. denies wrongdoing in Bethsoft’s Fallout Shelter/Westworld copyright lawsuit

Last week, we reported on an emerging lawsuit lodged over the new Westworld mobile game. Bethsoft is suing Behaviour Interactive and Warner Bros. over what it...

Bethsoft alleges Behaviour and WB ripped off Fallout Shelter in the new Westworld mobile game

A trio of companies known best to our audience for their MMOs are gearing up for a big court battle in the streets of...

More MMOs pledge to fully remove Red Shell spyware, including Secret World Legends

At the beginning of June, we covered The Elder Scrolls Online's implementation of spyware program Red Shell, which is designed to track specific information...

The World Health Organization advances its ‘gaming disorder’ classification in spite of heavy criticism

The World Health Organization has gone ahead with the inclusion of "gaming disorder" in the publication of its most recent edition of its disease...

Guild Chat: When sibling rivalry is ruining MMO guild relations

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the column through which I attempt to resolve all of your guild-related issues with the help of the Massively...

Massively Overthinking: How accountable should MMOs hold players for out-of-game toxicity?

Brendan's discussion with CCP Falcon at EVE Fanfest last week included an interesting chat about out-of-game harassment and whether gaming companies had an obligation...
I'm here to talk with you about patch cadence.

Guild Wars 2 used client-side spyware to aid its latest purge of potential cheaters

ArenaNet's just gone on a purge of potential cheaters in Guild Wars 2. "Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months," Gaile...

Sea of Thieves’ patch today mops up bugs and addresses respawn griefing

Still arr-ing and ahoy-matey-ing and avast-ye-ing in Sea of Thieves? Today's patch... well, it's a wee one. Rare says it's fixed a bunch of...

MMO Mechanics: The Fair Play Alliance and mechanising fairness

News of over 30 gaming companies taking a united stand against unfairness and toxicity in online game communities sprung out of GDC 2018 a...