blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 38: BlizzCon strikes back

Justin and Bree discuss BlizzCon -- WoW, Diablo III, Hearthstone, and the rest -- as well as NCsoft's Q3 and Funcom's reprieve, plus a mailbag question on cosmetic mounts.
Holy arts.

World of Warcraft outlines changes to Paladins and Warlocks

Paladins and Warlocks, together at last! They're like the original odd couple - she's a stalwart defender of the Light, and her roommate is...

The Daily Grind: Did BlizzCon make you want to resub to WoW?

It's a running joke among MMO players that BlizzCon is bad for our wallets, not because we overindulge in murloc plushies but because resisting...

Not So Massively: BlizzCon 2015 (November 9, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...

World of Warcraft Mages won’t change radically in Legion

Blizzard has released a new dev blog previewing the changes in store for Mages in World of Warcraft's upcoming Legion expansion. Mages are "in a...
A pet you can no longer have.

World of Warcraft begins its examination of class design with Hunters and Priests

One of the facts repeated throughout BlizzCon was that classes and class fantasies will be getting overhauled in World of Warcraft's next expansion. So...

Overwatch panel confirms gay characters, teases Blizzneyland

Just because Overwatch will be a team-based shooter doesn't mean that it lacks a story. On the contrary, Blizzard said that the game will...

The MOP Up: KingsIsle’s new game (November 8th, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Daily Grind: Did BlizzCon deliver on your expectations?

It's not exactly a stretch to say that Blizzard Entertainment casts a long shadow over the field of online gaming. World of Warcraft remains...
Don't care, bored.

BlizzCon 2015: World of Warcraft Q&A liveblog

It's the tail end of BlizzCon, and World of Warcraft players have Legion questions. Players probably had questions at the start of the convention,...
Demon Hunters HATE this holiday

BlizzCon 2015: World of Warcraft Legion systems panel liveblog

How is transmogrifying items going to change with World of Warcraft's Legion expansion? What are the restrictions on transmogrifying artifacts? How do the artifacts work? What...

The Game Archaeologist: The PLATO MMOs

In tracing the history and pre-history of MMORPGs in this column, we've spent a lot of time outside of the 2000s and into the...

BlizzCon 2015: Overwatch shows off three new heroes and Origin Edition bonuses

It's been about a year since we first heard of Overwatch at last year's BlizzCon. Since then, the beta has kicked off, and as...

Hearthstone’s League of Explorers adventure looks adorable

During the BlizzCon opening ceremonies earlier today, Blizzard revealed a brand-new Hearthstone adventure, and its spunky trailer just about stole the whole show (and...
Because that laugh never got tiresome.

BlizzCon 2015: Heroes of the Storm gaining Arena mode, Towers of Doom, and a two-player hero

How would you like to team up with another player to play a hero in Heroes of the Storm? That's the central idea behind...

BlizzCon didn’t forget about Diablo III: Patch 2.4 is on the way ‘very, very, very soon’

Diablo III barely got a nod during BlizzCon's 2015 opening ceremonies, but its panel this evening proved Blizzard has plenty in store for the...

WoW Legion beta begins ‘within weeks,’ launches summer 2016

If you missed the BlizzCon 2015 opening ceremony and the World of Warcraft: Legion overview panel that immediately followed it, you missed some big...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft: Legion overview panel recap

There's an expansion in the works for World of Warcraft. That's not news. It's the details of that expansion that fans have been anxiously...

Activision-Blizzard opens movie and TV studio

On this morning's investor call, Activision-Blizzard announced a new endeavor for the company: its very own movie and TV studio. Activision Blizzard Studios will be...

The Daily Grind: What are your hopes for BlizzCon 2015?

BlizzCon 2015 begins later today, and I have to admit that I'm nervous. Hearthstone, Overwatch, and Heroes of the Storm aren't exactly my cup...