

Corepunk wipes its Alpha 4 a second time, says it’ll keep this build online through the end of October

Following a second full wipe of its fourth alpha to address a character bug, Corepunk's Artificial Core said that it hopes to continually run...

The Daily Grind: Do you make or borrow your MMO class builds?

Let's talk about MMO character builds! This question works for almost every MMORPG, whether it has classes or skills or traits or anything in...
For a given definition of drift.

Worlds Adrift players build a bridge to link islands… out of ships.

Regardless of how much you know about Worlds Adrift, you are probably familiar with the idea that it involves floating islands. That's the whole...
More building!

Osiris: New Dawn’s Architect update buffs building, goes on sale

At the end of August, Osiris: New Dawn players got to enjoy a whole lot more stuff for the game's building modes. It was...
ride the build train

Albion Online introduces its character builder

Like any game with a surfeit of character build options, Albion Online can be a bit overwhelming at first. What are you supposed to...

The Daily Grind: How much does optimization affect your MMO play?

When I feel like lying to myself, I tell myself that I don't care about optimizing my characters in MMOs. I even sometimes convince...
You spin me right round, baby.

Albion Online shows off a tanking build with the Iron-Clad Staff

Games like Albion Online offer players a great deal of versatility in builds, but it's not always immediately apparent how to turn all of...
Myth: Lalafell have to be irritating cutesy-boop piles of crap.

Wisdom of Nym: Elitism and playing properly in Final Fantasy XIV

There was a thread on the official Final Fantasy XIV forums back about... I want to say a million years ago? Maybe two million?...