cma 2019 torchlight frontiers

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Frontiers says goodbye to me with a hearty kick to the butt

It seems that the final week of Torchlight Frontiers wanted to see me out with some bruises on my butt. I don’t know whether...

Choose My Adventure: The poisonous hell of the Hyvid Frontier in Torchlight Frontiers

The Goblin Frontier of Torchlight Frontiers isn’t exactly boring per se so much as just… blasé, I guess is the word I want to...

Choose My Adventure: The Torchlight Frontiers Railmaster suddenly makes perfect sense

You know that moment when you’re playing a new MMORPG class and there’s this kind of epiphany? That feeling like a switch has been...

Choose My Adventure: Figuring out the crazy train of Torchlight Frontiers’ Railmaster

So it turns out that the CMA readership would really like to see me run around with a murder train following me. This week's...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Frontiers and the mindless catharsis of ARPG gaming

Sometimes, you’ve just got to run around and blow up hordes of enemies with big flashy skills and hoover in the goodies. You have...