cma 2021 swg

Choose My Adventure: Space combat is yet another vast and interesting layer to Star Wars Galaxies

What even is this game? This is a question I seem to be asking myself a lot as I continue to scrape at the...

Choose My Adventure: The long road to starting a Star Wars Galaxies crafting empire

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will Wolfy Starflight Concern. The time I spent this week on the Legends rogue server of...

Choose My Adventure: Awestruck by Star Wars Galaxies’ crafting and housing potential

This week has been something of a rollercoaster for me. Of emotions. Of discovery. And, slowly yet surely, of deeper appreciation and enjoyment of...

Choose My Adventure: Dipping a toe in the vast ocean of Star Wars Galaxies crafting and gathering

"Crafting in Star Wars Galaxies was the greatest thing ever in MMORPGs." How often have you read a comment like that? I know I've seen...

Choose My Adventure: Star Wars Galaxies’ legacy questline is so boring

Level 22. That was the arbitrary block between me and wearing armor in Star Wars Galaxies. Not level 10. Not level 15. Not level...

Choose My Adventure: The slow setup for adventure in Star Wars Galaxies Legends

This week's Choose My Adventure probably had more preliminary preparation than any other game I've had. Most of the time I tend to fly...