
Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s No Quarter

After March’s relatively lightweight release, Steel and Fire, a lot of Guild Wars 2 players were expecting something big from this month’s release, entitled...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is most in need of a major quality-of-life overhaul?

MOP reader Ashfyn recently made an offhand comment about quality-of-life upgrades in MMOs that caught my attention. " was a my favorite game back...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers has mined out its own nostalgia

There are a lot of themes that are running hot through the entirety of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. Some of them are very obvious and...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about offline play in MMORPGs?

I spend a... lot of time in Star Wars Galaxies on the SWG Legends rogue server. I poke fun at myself for this, but...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Neo Steam’s soundtrack

While there always seems to be much love for steampunk among geeks and gamers, the setting never seems to be the catalyst to instant...
There are about nine million more pressing questions about why you're this way, of course.

The Daily Grind: What MMO titles bother you more than they probably should?

There's no good reason to call Guild Wars 2... well, that. The title of the original Guild Wars already didn't make a whole lot of sense because...

The Game Archaeologist: McDonalds’ McWorld MMO is a thing that existed

If you thought that it was strange for MTV to create its own virtual world, then you probably are forgetting how desperate companies always...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs do more to provide a backstory for your character?

Maybe I'm in the vast minority here, but it's always bugged me that MMORPGs just plop your fully grown, fully proficient adult character into...
Maybe, maybe not.

Vague Patch Notes: The endless allure of the games we never got

It's kind of weird for me to see the intensely positive reaction people have had to the concept art for the original version of Diablo...
First Dr. Evil joke gets it right in the face. No fooling.

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of underwater MMO zones and content?

Underwater zones in video games has been a hot topic lately. I don't know who started it, but I noticed when I saw the...

Tamriel Infinium: Getting ready for Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor chapter

Are you ready for Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor chapter release next week? I mean, are you really ready? Here at Massively OP, we’ve got...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: Impressive Influence and the ongoing half-hearted Battle for Azeroth apology

To my great disappointment and chagrin, Blizzard turned out to not catch the same winds (of wisdom) that influenced the extending of experience boosts...
Phun phor the phamily.

The Daily Grind: What entices you to try out a new MMO you weren’t otherwise following?

Look, Phantasy Star Online 2 does not need to entice me to play it. The only thing it has to do is announce a launch...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: World of Warcraft’s multicolored troll rainbow

Trolls have been a part of World of Warcraft since it launched. No, I'm not talking about the jerks who make playing the game far...
I half-see.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO tropes do you still like?

MMORPG devs know that we -- the uncoolest of all peoples -- desperately want to feel cool in our video game. And so we...

Choose My Adventure: New ships, New Romulus, and a new gun in Star Trek Online

So the past poll was a 50/50 split, but I'm curious if that's because regular Star Trek Online players knew what was coming. Considering the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO has the shortest leveling content?

One of the oddball things I actually liked about Star Wars Galaxies - even its NGE version - was how wildly fast leveling went...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s healer problem and how it’s kind of unsolvable

I quite like Final Fantasy XIV's healers. I really enjoy both Scholar and White Mage, and considering that this expansion is one in which I'd...

Fight or Kite: Surveying Crowfall’s new Frostweaver class and interface updates

I’ve been itching to get back in and play some Crowfall, and with the War of the Gods update I've got a good reason:...

The Daily Grind: What MMO should a true MMO newbie try in 2020?

If you've ever been to generalist gaming Reddits, you know one of the most common threads is the "what should I play" thread, which...