
Sunset on original ideas.

The Daily Grind: How easy do you find long-term farming projects in MMOs?

I've never had a problem with long projects that have clear goals. Tell me that you need to get 200 Magic Iron Bars to...

Tales from the Holodeck: Altair Breaker is an unfinished and unsatisfying example of multiplayer VR swordplay

One of the best things I've experienced in VR gaming has been swordfighting. Sure, waving a controller around to translate it into sword strikes...

Perfect Ten: My memories from the 2004 World of Warcraft launch

Back in November of 2004, I was a wide-eyed 28-year-old bachelor who had just met his future wife and was generally leery about MMOs...

The Daily Grind: Do you leave MMO global chat on or turn it off?

Ah global chat -- or world chat, as we sometimes call it. Trade chat? Whatever, it's the chat channel that goes out to everyone...

Choose My Adventure: Chimeraland’s weirdness routine continues to become a comfortable cadence

There's always a point when you're playing a new game that things become comfortable. A lot of folks tend to refer to that as...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most boring type of content in MMOs?

A few weeks back, I read a thread on the MMORPG subreddit that posited people quit MMOs because they're boring, and that trying to...

Fight or Kite: I had a MultiVersus hole in my heart all this time and never knew it

I honestly can’t get enough of MultiVersus. It’s completely consumed my nightly game time, almost in its entirety. Maybe it’s just been too long...
No mom.

Wisdom of Nym: Highlights from Final Fantasy XIV’s Buried Memory patch notes ahead of launch

The nice thing about having the patch notes always released well ahead of time for Final Fantasy XIV is that we can always pick...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO farming system is the most fun?

I have to admit I allow myself a little self-satisfied giggle every time I see a major or minor MMORPG adding or enhancing farming...

The Daily Grind: What MMO would you play more under different management?

I get the sense that some people are reluctant to play RIFT right now just because of the company running the show. That's not...

LOTRO Legendarium: What new classes could LOTRO add in the future?

There is certainly no end to the topics to discuss about Lord of the Rings Online, but sometimes I want to take a break...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO mount do you like using the most?

The other night in Lord of the Rings Online, our kinship got into a fun discussion about the different mounts we like to use...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s improved Megas and the kitchen sink problem

It's been a while now since Pokemon GO got its third Mega Evolution system, which was one of the big reasons we took a hard...
Surprised? Really?

WoW Factor: Optimal choices in MMO talent trees don’t justify removing them

So there's this funny persistent thing that goes around when it comes to talent trees in World of Warcraft. A certain coalition of players...
That is definitely a thing.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most ‘generic’ MMORPG?

A few podcasts ago, MOP's Justin said something in passing that struck me so hard I wrote it down to talk about further. In...

Massively on the Go: Everything multiplayer fans need to know about Splatoon 3

So we've all gone through the recent news about Splatoon 3, right? No? Well, don't worry. A lot of the presentation seemed to be aimed...

Vague Patch Notes: The perils of comparing MMOs to each other

So the other day I read perhaps the worst Tower of Fantasy review I could have possibly read. It was most certainly not the...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever bought an MMO lockbox?

It's not exactly a controversial statement on this site to say that lockboxes are bad. We don't like them. Our readers don't like them....
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that took aim at World of Warcraft

The fact that we currently have a Big Five in the MMO space is a big change from not so long ago, when the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has hands-down the worst mapping system?

Not only am I a nerdy fan of maps in real life, but I deeply appreciate a good visual guild in my MMORPGs as...