
But animated for real, like.

Crowfall shows off the Confessor in action

We've been told quite a bit about Crowfall's Confessor, but words on a page don't really give a sense for what it will look...

EVE Evolved: Fitting Tech 3 Tactical Destroyers as PvP brawlers

The past few months have seen a flood of frequent updates hitting EVE Online, and among them we got a whole new class of...
But animated for real, like.

Check out the first iteration of the Confessor’s powers in Crowfall

Crowfall is beginning to show off the skillset of its various character archetypes, and the first magical ranged character to get the spotlight is...

Crowfall’s Confessors represent the darker side of religion

The team behind Crowfall is hard at work preparing what it's calling a "core combat test" between three diverse archetypes. One of these, the...

Crowfall will be buy-to-play with optional sub

Although we don't have the full idea of what Crowfall is, today we know more about how we'll be paying for it in the...