See: The Daily Grind
daily grind
The Daily Grind: Which MMO are you rooting for this year?
While the booing section of the internet might get loud and almost suffocating at times, I believe that there's quite the large crowd of...
The Daily Grind: Do you ever just hang out inside MMORPGs?
When the MMORPG genre was young, I spent a lot of time inside of MMORPGs not doing much besides standing or sitting around and...
The Daily Grind: Is two-faction PvP ideal for MMORPGs?
Be they sandbox or themeparks, plenty of MMORPGs have hopped on the two-faction PvP bandwagon. A player rolls up on the red side or blue side at character...
The Daily Grind: Who’s your favorite MMO antagonist?
One of the things I liked about Star Wars: The Old Republic right from its launch is that it gave players plenty of antagonists...
The Daily Grind: What MMO sequel would you like to see?
Are we past the era of MMO sequels? Maybe yes, but also, maybe no. I like to hedge -- and this industry is always...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG without a cash shop?
During any online discussion about MMORPG payment models, someone will inevitably lament that subscriptions are better because they don't nickel-and-dime you with a cash...
The Daily Grind: Do you have any resolutions for 2016 in MMOs?
2016 is almost here, and I nearly forgot all about it! It feels less like "New Year's Eve" and more like "Thursday, get all...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO for a terrible computer?
If you're stuck away from home with family over the holidays, you might find yourself jonesing for an MMO that will run and run well...
The Daily Grind: Will you Kickstart any video games in the new year?
A recent piece on posits that while there the crowdfunding "bubble" hasn't burst, the crowdfunding scene, at least insofar as video games, is experiencing...
The Daily Grind: Do long localization delays make you less likely to play an MMO?
Having written about it recently, I found myself thinking that it might not even matter if Phantasy Star Online 2 even comes out in...
The Daily Grind: Would you play an animal in an MMO?
It's not every MMO that straight-up gives you the option to play as a run-of-the-mill animal (albeit one with human intelligence). Sure, there are...
The Daily Grind: Are you playing MMOs on Christmas today?
Christmas means different things to different people. Some folks imbue it with family-oriented festivities, others consider it a religious day, and others just think of it as...
The Daily Grind: What gift would you like to receive tomorrow in a live MMO?
If we could all get whatever we wanted tomorrow, I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts we would all want the same fundamental thing:...
The Daily Grind: If you like PvP, why do you play MMOs?
During the discussion in the World of Warcraft PvP gear flattening article last week, longtime Massively OP commenter SallyBowls wondered why serious PvPers bother playing MMOs....
The Daily Grind: What MMO is never ever gonna launch?
I have a bad feeling about some of the MMOs and pseudo-MMOs we have on the way in 2016.
The Division? That thing has been...
The Daily Grind: What’s the ideal reward for an MMO holiday event?
Every time holiday events roll around in Final Fantasy XIV, I feel compelled to do them on my main character if no one else....
The Daily Grind: Should MOBAs have an ‘endgame’?
Earlier this week, RPS did a piece on Jeffrey Lin, League of Legends' "social systems" dev. One question about the MOBA's "endgame" struck me because he...
The Daily Grind: When is an MMORPG rare drop too rare?
The new Anima Weapon quests have me started on that process over in Final Fantasy XIV. It's a slow process toward the high end,...
The Daily Grind: Is early access creating gated MMO communities?
I'm not generally interested in early access programs these days. For one thing, there are so many fully fleshed-out MMOs on the market that...
The Daily Grind: Are you an MMO ‘harbinger of failure’?
Earlier this year, blog Kill Ten Rats wrote about "Harbingers of Failure," a term coined by a quad of marketing researchers to describe people...