development plans

It's cool.

Shroud of the Avatar posts its development plans for Q3 2017

There's a path forward for Shroud of the Avatar, and it includes the game's story being done in July. Well, not totally done; the...
You want some of this? We've got a lot of it.

Conan Exiles wants to know what you want, what you really really want

What do you think about Conan Exiles so far? Because your opinion matters to the development team. Not in a vague, abstract sense, but...
He seems nice.

Funcom shares its future plans for Conan Exiles from the GDC show floor

It's full speed ahead for Conan Exiles development this year, with no plans to slow down the game's pace over the next several months....
Early, earlier, earliest.

Project Genom launches into Early Access in May

If you want to get in on Project Genom without being part of a formal testing pool, your chance is approaching. The developers have...
It's almost like getting what you were promised, only exactly not.

Sword Coast Legends postpones free update in favor of Rage of Demons expansions

Development schedules are tricky things. From the outside it's easy to look at them as promises, contracts made between players and developers, but in...
The road is through those guys, so...

Albion Online puts forth its roadmap to closed beta

Albion Online's development team isn't just sitting back and basking in the afterglow of a successful summer alpha test. There's a closed beta on...