dota 2

Official Site: Dota 2
Studio: Valve
Launch Date: July 9, 2013
Genre: Fantasy MOBA
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Mac

Not So Massively: Blizzard’s $1.2 million tourney; X-Wing successor hits Kickstarter

In a bizarre coincidence, four separate MOBAs announced new champions this week. SMITE revealed an adorable Norse squirrel god named Ratatoskr and officially launched...

Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues

Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds Grand Finals today

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event draws to a close this weekend with the Grand Finals best-of-five finale in San Francisco's Warfield Theater. China's Invictus...
Dota 2

Dota 2’s International prize pool nearing $6 million

Dota 2's International prize purse is approaching $6 million, thanks to crowdfunding efforts centered around the "Compendium," a virtual level treadmill that rewards purchasers with...

Not So Massively: HoN’s fifth anniversary update; Dota 2 rakes in millions of dollars

Heroes of Newerth received a colossal patch this week to celebrate its fifth anniversary, introducing a new intelligence carry hero, a capture the flag...

Dota 2 honors Terry Pratchett in upcoming patch

Dota 2's community has discovered a tribute to the late Terry Pratchett in today's the upcoming 6.84 patch, now on the PTR. It takes the...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds America regionals… now

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event has been winding its away across the world with only one regional champ left to be decided: the...

Not So Massively: LoL’s Reddit controversy, HotS’ Heroes of the Dorm

If ever we needed evidence that e-sports are fast becoming more like real-life sports, this week's MOBA news provided it. Dota 2 announced that...

Infinite Crisis has basically made me a MOBA fan

It's 1989. My buddy and I are in a comic store and raising our eyebrows at this odd little one-shot called Gotham by Gaslight....
lol, valve

Leaderboard: Which of the big four MOBAs is your favorite?

OK, MassivelyOP MOBA fans, it's time to vote for your favorite game. We're going to keep it simple for today's Leaderboard, though. There are...

Are ‘me-too’ MOBAs a development trap?

There's no doubt that the MOBA genre is a behemoth in the industry right now, with titles like League of Legends and DOTA 2...

Not So Massively: Dota 2 tickets sell out, Rust brings out the racists, and Grey Goo has population problems

Tickets for the Dota 2 world championship, The International, sold out in a record 10 minutes and are now being resold by scalpers for up to...

Not So Massively: D3’s ladder reset, HOTS’ team league mode, and Starfall Tactics

Diablo III is getting ready to close its second ladder only two months in on April 5th but will be providing a 100% gold...

Not So Massively: PAX East 2015 MOBA roundup edition

It's been a huge week for online gaming, with GDC drawing to a close and PAX East being packed full of reveals. We heard...

The Stream Team: MOBA Madness

MOBA Madness returns this week as MassivelyOP's Mike Foster takes you on a tour of the two titans of the competitive space, Riot Games'...

WoW and Destiny topped media mentions in 2014

This will probably not come as a shock to you, but a lot of press was talking about World of Warcraft and Destiny last...

Massively Overthinking: The best MMOs for duoing

A Massively Overpowered reader by the name of DaBruuzer posed a great question to the team, one I thought we'd have a better time answering as...

Not So Massively: Star Citizen offers rental gear, Diablo III player hits level 1000, and Dota 2’s Year Beast controversy

Welcome to Not So Massively, Massively Overpowered's weekly roundup of all the news from the world of MOBAs, lobby-based games, and other online multiplayer games...

MOBAs dominate Raptr’s January rankings as WoW playtime falls

According to a Raptr press release posted today, MOBA League of Legends dominated the service's January rankings with just under 20% of total playtime...