
Hands-on with TERA’s new Valkyrie class

Last month, TERA's community chose the name of its new class, and next week players will get to not only see that Valkyrie in action...

A creepy starfish has taken over DC Universe Online

If you're not echinodermophobic already, DC Universe Online's latest patch is angling to turn you with its latest patch. Yes, Starro the Conqueror and...
The specter of learning the wrong damn lessons.

Conan Exiles adds a new sewer dungeon for you to die in with today’s update

Funcom's been a busy little bee this week, so pry your eyes away from Secret World Legends for a minute for a peek at...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

Blade and Soul’s next update includes a training room and skill revamp

Blade and Soul's next update may be a literal game-changer, as the team is overhauling the skill system to make it more accessible and...

Star Wars: The Old Republic reveals its first raid in two years

When the developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic told us they were going to focus on more group content for Knights of the...

Global Chat: The fallout over Secret World Legends

The fallout over The Secret World's reboot into Secret World Legends has spread far and wide over the MMO blogging community, with many expressing...

Escape from Tarkov invites you to fight ‘without rules’ as a third-party scavenger

While Escape from Tarkov is ostensibly a two-faction game, it turns out that there's a third option available to those who don't want to...

AdventureQuest 3D adds party system, cosmetic items, and dungeon options

Patch 1.4 landed in AdventureQuest 3D yesterday, bringing with it several important and welcome features to the game. And yeah, the patch even included...
Again, again, again.

World of Warcraft activates the mage tower, starts looking ahead to Patch 7.2.5

Now that Patch 7.2 is out for World of Warcraft, what's next on Blizzard's plate? Other than last night's hotfixes, that is. The studio...
That's so metal.

DC Universe Online launches its next major event on April 5

The next big event in DC Universe Online pits heroes and villains alike against Starro, a mind-controlling interstellar starfish. That's just a fun phrase...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – the main scenario

I never really had a chance to explore Final Fantasy XI expansion by expansion. By the time the game launched in North America, the...
Sometimes it's about tweaking the right people.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst for ‘trash pulls’?

A week or two ago, Blizzard Watch had a post up polling its readers about which trash pulls in WoW they hated the most....

Exclusive Interview: Secret World Legends’ story, monetization, membership, Tokyo, and more

Did you get your fill of Secret World Legends answers from the first half of our exclusive interview with Game Director Romain Amiel? Us neither. Luckily, we...

Exclusive Interview: Funcom’s Romain Amiel on Secret World Legends’ combat revamp and more

It is no secret that I am deeply vested The Secret World. It is my favorite game, and I am fortunate enough to get...

Massively Overthinking: Competition vs. community in MMOs

Quantic Foundry, the games research group we've been tracking ever since it posted its original Gamer Motivation Model, has a new piece out this...

EverQuesting: Digging into EverQuest’s 18th birthday and chatting with Daybreak

Holy smokes! EverQuest is old enough to vote! The world of Norrath just turned 18 years old on March 16th. In the US, that...
If we do get a new race, of course, everyone knows my biggest suggestion.

Why World of Warcraft’s item level scaling is really, really, dumb

This has been a very stupid week. I know this because any other week, World of Warcraft completely destroying the reason for acquiring new...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic will finally allow us to switch factions

Long-time players of Star Wars: The Old Republic: In the next update 5.2: The War for Iokath, you will finally be able to switch...
Just call me angel of the morning, angel.

RIFT’s Forged in Flame update today will treat endgamers to new content, LFR tools

MMORPG players can use some happy news today, yeah? How about this: RIFT's Forged in Flame patch is officially live. The core of the update...

The Stream Team: EverQuest’s anniversary Pub Crawl

Last time, Massively OP's MJ had to cut her EverQuest anniversary bar-hopping short when she didn't have the right booze. Luckily, the anniversary events...