

The Soapbox: The disastrous Pokemon Go Fest was just Niantic being Niantic, and that has to stop

I know I complain a lot about Pokemon Go in my articles here, but there's a reason for this. I'm a huge fan not just of the...

MMO Burnout: Nintendo’s ARMS and the Switch in public and private

It won't surprise anyone who reads our WRUPs that a lot of my free time gaming has been mobile-based as of late, especially if...
Stepping back across time.

How I got married through World of Warcraft

I've mentioned a lot of times, in passing, how my wife and I connected in part through World of Warcraft. But I've never actually...

Pokemon Go’s first anniversary report card

July 6th, 2017, marks Pokemon Go's first year anniversary. Love it or hate it, it's a game that quickly made a global impact. It's been released...

E3 2017: Pokemon Go’s raiding, gym revamp, badges, and an interview with Niantic

Surprise! Niantic brought Pokemon Go to E3 2017 and invited members of the gaming press outside the sacred halls of the Los Angeles Convention Center...

The Soapbox: Your favorite MMO is going to die

Your favorite MMO is going to die. Don't take it personally, though; every other MMO is going to shut down, too. That includes my...

Working As Intended: Why classic Guild Wars matters, 12 years in

The spring season always sees a deluge of MMORPG birthday celebrations: Lord of the Rings Online, City of Heroes, Allods Online, Free Realms last...
You should be better at this.

The Soapbox: Lessons Secret World Legends failed to learn from Final Fantasy XIV

I've mentioned many a time that I like Funcom quite a bit. I want to like Funcom quite a bit. Heck, I want to...

The Soapbox: Why is Pokemon GO still a tech demo?

I've been a bit frustrated with Niantic lately. I love some of its ideas, but I watched someone else play Ingress prior to Pokemon GO's...

Here’s why everyone’s pissed off about City of Heroes NPCs in NCsoft’s MOBA

Yesterday, NCsoft took the lid off a secret it's clearly been working on for a while: The company means to introduce a notorious and...

The Soapbox: What the Mass Effect Andromeda kerfuffle ought to teach us about games criticism

Today is the official release of Mass Effect: Andromeda, which was preceded by the frankly baffling decision to allow people access to an early...
This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

The Soapbox: Everyone’s being dumb about Star Wars: The Old Republic’s lightsaber

A couple of years ago, The Force Awakens introduced us to (among other things) a lightsaber that looks poorly made, like a little kid...

The Soapbox: Pokemon Go Generation 2 still isn’t a real MMO

Pokemon GO Generation 2 is out now, and it feels a lot like an MMO expansion in a lot of ways: We have new features,...

Lost Continent: ArcheAge Revelation’s fresh start servers aren’t doing newbies any favors

It’s been over a month now since ArcheAge’s massive update 3.0 went live, adding oodles of new content to Trion’s expansive fantasy sandbox. The...
Homeward bound.

Working As Intended: Two decades of Elder Scrolls housing

Massively OP explores Elder Scrolls housing through the ages -- starting with Daggerfall, running through Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, and ending with Elder Scrolls Online's Homestead patch, live today.

The Soapbox: The sorry state of ARK Survival Evolved

When ARK: Survival Evolved came on the scene in June 2015, it was met with enthusiasm (dinosaurs!) as well as some skepticism (Early Access)....

Examining the potential for exercise and exploration in Pokemon GO

Just in time for your New Year's resolution, we reported on how Pokemon Go was featured in a peer-reviewed study on getting people to move more. But...

How Pokemon Go should integrate Pokemon Sun/Moon

Say what you will about following tradition, but when I first heard more Pokemon would be added to Pokemon GO, the first thing I thought...

The Soapbox: Asheron’s Call is dead, and Turbine killed it

You'd think recent news about Asheron's Call 1 and AC2 would be easy to swallow. After all, we'd already been warned that Turbine was becoming a mobile...
Oh, yeah, all is well, totally.

For Science: A third of our polled social media users quit Pokemon Go over trackers

Pokemon Go has received some large updates recently: the buddy system, medals, some big gym changes (twice), and now we've got dailies. We've been dazzled...