eric heimberg

MMO Hype Train: Rooting for Project Gorgon in light of tremendous loss

In a different timeline, I think I would've been one of those players who entered the MMO space through Asheron's Call. I remember going to...

Impressions of Project Gorgon from an Asheron’s Call player

It's finally time for me talk about Project Gorgon as a released product. As you might have guessed, I was avoiding the game prior to launch....
Party in the everything.

Project Gorgon adds nature appreciation and flower arrangement

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the rumors were true: Flower arrangement has come to Project Gorgon, along with a related skill called nature appreciation. You...

Project Gorgon toys with animal town and raffle machine

The crazy and cool ideas burbling out of Project Gorgon keep on coming, with Lead Developer Eric Heimburg taking to Twitter lately to tease...

Project Gorgon explains Steam delay

Earlier this year, Project Gorgon said that it would be releasing on Steam early access by the end of 2015. This isn't going to...