
And here, we see yet another thing thrown away for no damn reason.

WoW Factor: We’re all farming Nature Resistance gear now

First and foremost, I'd like to note that I am writing these columns consecutively and immediately, so all I can do is hope that...
Well... it's a box, and one of the people in it is probably a skinner?

Vague Patch Notes: There’s more to Skinner boxes in MMOs than mere repetition

As I started watching the latest World of Warcraft video to whip people into a furor, I very nearly turned the thing off as...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: The 10 types of skill in MMOs

Everyone has a very strong opinion about player skill in MMOs. This is understandable. Furthermore, I've met a lot of different people with different...

LOTRO Legendarium: Wait a minute, LOTRO, you lost me

If WildStar will go down in gaming history as the MMO with the consistently shortest quest text, then Lord of the Rings Online has...
Strap in, buckos.

Vague Patch Notes: How do you play MMOs when you know humans suffered to make them?

The original Star Wars film was a passion project for a then-young George Lucas, and it was a project that nearly killed Lucas from...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that desperately need proper player housing

Here's something pretty encouraging to me: When I sat down to work on an article listing MMOs that really could use but lacked proper...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO systems that encourage alts

Here's how much I like having alts: I have alts in Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI. Two games which are built on...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

Massively Overthinking: The sunsetted MMOs we never played

I've been thinking a lot about MMO sunsets lately, thanks to WildStar, Pirates of the Burning Sea, and even that ridiculous Free Guy movie...
It's clear now.

Perfect Ten: Failed MMOs that could have succeeded with more love

Hindsight is 20/20. Unless you're blind in one eye from nostalgia, in which case hindsight is 0/20. In any case, you understand that it's...

EVE Evolved: The rookie’s guide to fitting ships in EVE Online

The ship fitting system is one of EVE Online's most powerful and useful features, but it comes with a pretty steep learning curve for...
Dead in the water.

Vague Patch Notes: World of Warcraft, math, and making choices ‘interesting’ in MMOs

So if you somehow managed to miss it, let me recap: World of Warcraft's community manager Lore recently gave some feedback on the many complaints...

Ask Mo: The real value of MMO interviews

MOP reader Avaera recently sent in a question that I thought would be fun to address here in my poor neglected Ask Mo column....

Perfect Ten: The big book of MMORPG death mechanics

Video games will kill your characters. It's inevitable. I still faintly remember my younger brother's first video game death, when he ran full-tilt into...
I'm important!

Vague Patch Notes: Trickle-down metagames in MMORPGs

A while back, there was an interesting set of data coming out of a discussion about Overwatch. The discussion was about the concept of...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG, living or dead, offers the all-time best crafting experience?

Over the last couple of weeks, when I was putting in sometimes 18-hour days working on the site, I didn't really have much time...

Perfect Ten: My favorite WildStar memories

As I grow older, I start to worry about the loss of memories that are precious to me. I already joke that I'm pretty...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: My favorite MMORPG names

Stuff in MMOs has names. That's... like, a defining feature. We all know that. These games have titles, and they have expansions, and they...
How do I start to say goodbye.

A eulogy for WildStar – a marvelous MMORPG and avoidable tragedy

Friends, readers, genre fans, lend me your eyes; I come to bury WildStar, not to praise it. But just like Marc Antony, I'm going...

Perfect Ten: Why World of Warcraft is still worth playing

When it comes to popular games, it seems as though writers don't feel that they have to extol their virtues. They're already popular, after...

LOTRO Legendarium: The unique feel of Lord of the Rings Online

I am very much a creature who is affected deeply by my environment. I suspect all of us are to varying degrees, but I...