The Daily Grind: Do you engage in ‘mapping’ in explorable MMORPGs?
A while back, we did a Daily Grind on "vestigial organ" design in MMOs, and I mentioned Guild Wars 2's leveling system as being...
The Daily Grind: What kind of MMO achiever are you?
Yesterday's post on Richard Bartle's new unplayer matrix got me thinking once again about my quibbles with the original Bartle quotient, which won't surprise...
Choose My Adventure: Mad science and spellslinging in WildStar
Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to the formulaic introduction to yet another installment of Choose My Adventure. As is tradition, let's start with...
Player explorer returns from 10-month mission in Elite Dangerous
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Pioneer. Its 10-month mission: to explore strange new systems, to seek out new...
The Daily Grind: What MMO gets you exploring?
You want to hear something weird? For as much crap as WildStar got about its path system, I actually do love to explore in...