game developers

The monolith.

IGDA survey casts a light on game devs’ impressions of industry diversity, job satisfaction, and crunch culture

The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has put together the 2023 version of its game developer satisfaction survey, which continues to take the temperature...

Game devs are concerned about the sustainability of live-service titles

It certainly feels like live service is being tacked on to many recent game releases (whether it makes sense or not), which of course...

Unity’s runtime fee scheme sees game devs shut off Unity ads and employees turn in resignations

The tire fire of Unity's decision to impose "runtime fees" on studios that use the engine continues to burn bright and hot. Game developers...

Bossa Studios CEO discusses company’s shift towards co-op and PvE multiplayer titles

The name Bossa Studios tends to conjure up the story of Worlds Adrift 'round these parts. Readers might remember that the promising sky piracy...

Raph Koster talks metaverse creation and learning lessons from past game design mistakes

"Metaverse." It's the one word that, apparently, drives game execs and investors into a babbling frenzy just seconds before they explode into venture capital...

The Soapbox: Abusing MMO community reps over design decisions is not only toxic but futile

Recently, an online video game community rep was run off Twitter by "fans." The CM's fellow game dev shared how upset she was that...

GDC Summer 2020: Unionizing the video games industry

Just in time for Blizzard's latest labor crisis, Game Workers Unite UK treasurer Kevin Agwaze held an Ask Me Anything at GDC Summer 2020...

Games devs discuss how to make games for players 55 and older

Games can (and should) be for everyone, regardless of things like gender identity, race, or even age. That said, there are certain challenges to...

ZeniMax and Bungie are part of a joint effort to fight against gamedev crunch

People are becoming more and more aware of the abusive mill game developers are being ground against in order to release the titles we...
You have to be really bad to get kicked out of here, that's the takeaway.

Riot and Blizzard are purportedly good to their employees

Want to be a game developer? Why?! Don't you know it's all about long hours, low pay, and angry pitchfork-toting man-children who want the...