
Big empty.

No Man’s Sky launches today on console

In this episode, Larry, Brendan, and Tina debate next-gen MMOs, unfinished games, and MMO buzzwords.

The Daily Grind: What MMO handles active combat the best?

Action combat is a big thing for newer games. Instead of just sitting, targeting, and spamming abilities, you have to dodge hither and yon,...
Perhaps the bank should be re-evaluated.

Launch impressions: Overwatch is good, but it’s only half a game

The thing that bugs me about Overwatch is that it feels like half of a game. Unfortunately, it's also the less interesting half, the...
Like it needs the help.

Saga of Lucimia explains its pillar of group gameplay in-depth

One of the pillars that Saga of Lucimia prides itself upon is the idea of group-based gameplay. You may think that this is an...
Yes, money.

The Daily Grind: Are you interested in making money in your MMOs?

When my friends need to borrow money in Final Fantasy XIV or Final Fantasy XI, they come to me. It's not because I'm higher-level...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...
Try to fly better than this.

Get some useful tips on Blade & Soul before it launches tomorrow

Tomorrow's the big launch day for Blade & Soul for anyone not already enjoying the head start opportunity. Users on Reddit have helpfully compiled...

Lost Ark will be out of the public’s eye at G-Star

Fans hoping for personal views and hands-on time with the upcoming action-RPG Lost Ark at G-Star are in for a world of disappointment. While the...
Cool players don't look at explosions.

Guild Wars 2 shows off its new action camera

The combat of Guild Wars 2 sits in an interesting place between full-on action combat and more traditional combat mechanics, but it definitely edges...
Combat attire: you're doing it wrong.

Take a look at the gameplay of Black Desert’s Witch

There's still no hard information on when Black Desert is coming westward, although the game is currently in open beta in Russia and it...
Gothier than thou.

See Overwatch’s Reaper in all of his dark, billowing action

Reaper's life in Overwatch is pretty difficult. His whole schtick is being dark and mysterious and wraithly and so forth, but that can't work well...
Rank 17! I am SO important to the world!

Check out Overwatch’s Hanzo and McCree in action

Are you the guy who looked at Overwatch's character lineup and said, "Nah, get rid of that robot with twin chainguns; I want to...