
Ultimate pens.

DC Universe Online is launching Episode 18 for its members and Update 54 for everyone today

Don't you love running content in hopes of getting a rare drop that never, ever shows up? If you love that, you will hate...
Cold analysis.

Wisdom of Nym: Awaiting next week’s Final Fantasy XIV patch

We've still got a preview or two to go before the main event, but Final Fantasy XIV's first post-expansion patch is on its way...
Sometimes, less can indeed be more.

World of Warcraft patch 6.2.3 is bringing Valor back

Between the Timewalking token system and Apexis Crystals, World of Warcraft has been providing players with a variety of currencies to purchase rewards after...
Less exploratory than I might have thought.

Wisdom of Nym: Coordination, aetherial gear, and Final Fantasy XIV’s next patch

How many times a day do you think about aetherial gear in Final Fantasy XIV? If the answer is more than "zero," I'm honestly...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s crafting and gathering endgame in Heavensward

Crafting and gathering has never been a primary goal of mine in Final Fantasy XIV so much as a secondary one. It's something extra...
The only upgrade I need is more burn.

Skyforge explains amulets and trophies

Equipment in Skyforge is fairly straightforward for the most part, but like any game, it features some unique options. Case in point: amulets and...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs eliminate ‘soulbound’ mechanics?

This morning's Daily Grind arrives from Kickstarter donor jackfrost, who phrases his question in the form of a rant: Why do almost all rewards in current...
Stab some stuff.

Wisdom of Nym: How to catch up in Final Fantasy XIV (before Heavensward arrives)

Let's assume you've just recently gotten to the level cap in Final Fantasy XIV and you're ready to start in on catching up to...