global chat

The MMO blogosphere is bigger than Massively Overpowered. Join Justin Olivetti on his epic quest to find and elevate the best MMO blog posts of the week. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

Global Chat: The verdict on Landmark

Landmark's launch hasn't gone unnoticed by the MMO blogging community. Several players have decided to use the game's official release as an opportunity to...

Global Chat: Which mobs do you love killing in MMOs?

Everyone has mobs that they particularly enjoy offing in MMORPGs -- sometimes so much so that we go out of our way to get...

Global Chat: Is casual raiding important for MMOs?

When it comes to the subject of raiding, one might get the impression that there are only two factions involved: those who are hardcore...

Global Chat: Snap judgments of Overwatch

The talk of the blogger town has definitely been abuzz with impressions, thoughts, and snap judgments of Overwatch as it heads to release. Is...

Global Chat: Which MMOs have the best quests?

For some players, quests are either those things that serve to annoy with reading (in a game!) or merely provide gussied-up reward packages. But...

Global Chat: What can MMORPG devs do to foster community?

One of the neat aspects of the MMO blogosphere is how writers will often interact and collaborate with each other. Recently, four bloggers ganged...

Global Chat: An MMO to call home

Home. It's what many MMO gamers are looking for in a title: to plant down roots and find a place that exudes belonging. What...

Global Chat: Why bloggers aren’t worried about the future of MMOs

The future of MMOs weighs heavily on some minds in the community, but contrary to some Chicken Littles out there, the sky is not...

Global Chat: ARK invents new types of griefing

Just when you thought you've seen every type of online griefing known to man, here comes another. In An Age grouses about how ARK:...

Global Chat: The death of EverQuest Next

There are some MMO industry events that, when they occur, spark a wildfire of blog posts across the community. This past week's announcement by...

Global Chat: What is Daybreak thinking with H1Z1?

Daybreak's announcement earlier this month that it will be splitting H1Z1 into two games triggered a flood of responses from the MMO blogging community,...

Global Chat: Saying farewell to City of Steam

No doubt by now you have heard that the indie steampunk City of Steam has been shuttered. And while its demise won't change the...

Global Chat: Oculus Rift, GW2’s philosophy shift, and emulator exploration

The high cost of Oculus Rift brought a lot of discussion to the MMO blogosphere recently, with writers taking sides for and against the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 48: Blade & Soul runner

Justin and Bree discuss Blade & Soul, Black Desert, Hero's Song, City of Steam, NCsoft, Diablo III, and FFXIV, with a mailbag question on global chat jerks.

Blade & Soul impressions from around the MMO blogosphere

It's probably no surprise to anyone that Blade & Soul managed to rope in a lot of excited fans and curious casuals this past...

Global Chat: Making gaming resolutions

Do you make New Year's resolutions for gaming? I do and I've seen more than a few bloggers come out in early January to...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

Global Chat: Wrapping up 2015 across the MMORPG blogosphere

As the final pages turn on 2015, MMO bloggers engage in a favorite pastime of recalling their best and most notable gaming experiences of...

Global Chat: Being thankful in MMOs

Last month's Thanksgiving holiday in the US prompted several MMO bloggers to share their thanks for gaming and other geeky goodness. Stars of the...

Global Chat: Sifting the good raiders from the bad

Game designer and blogger Psychochild posited an interesting question recently: How can you tell the difference between a good raider and a bad one? He...

Global Chat: Gearing up in WildStar

If you're anything like me, when you get to the max level in a game, there's a general flailing of hands and a feeling...