guild halls

Vitae Aeternum: Analyzing New World’s 2025 ‘living roadmap’

Covering New World's new "living roadmap" for 2025 seems like something I should have gotten to sooner, but in my defence I've been battling...

Vitae Aeternum: New World should do more with its housing

I find the history of player housing in New World a strange one. Prior to launch, I had the impression housing was being treated...
Forward, my friends. To houses!

Guild Wars 2 shares more guild hall details, confirms raid gearing

Guild Halls are a big part of the feature list for Guild Wars 2's first expansion, and with good cause. The ongoing livestreams of...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 guild hall and prepurchase pricing impressions

When Heart of Thorns was announced back in January, the Guild Wars 2 community exploded with buzz as guild halls were mentioned as a main...

Guild Wars 2 showing off its guild halls at E3

In all of the Heart of Thorns hoopla and specializations diaries, did you forget that guild halls will also be arriving in Guild Wars...